返到貨倉所有人未返但阿Tom早己到了,他一見我馬上拉張凳坐埋黎,笑嘻嘻咁一手摸上我的大肶,說: Baby, where are you yesterday? Why don't you answer my call?
我馬上捉住佢嘅手拉開佢,說: Don't call me baby...I have husband and do not want a relationship. The other night was a mistake, a one time thing. OK.
阿Tom說:But you have a good time....I could feel it how hard you scratch my back when you came, your nail cut my back, I can show you....
我說:no need, I knew what I did and I am not doing it again. Leave me alone or I tell the boss
Tom瞪大眼看我,喃喃的說:fucking Chinese bitch.起身走之前仲用手在我乳房攙一把.