
關於SL嘅資格 II P1#1, 2, 4 p72 update P133 #1986 涅槃重生嘅火鳳凰

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How long will I love you
As long as stars are above you
And longer if I can

How long will I need you
As long as the seasons need to
Follow their plan

How long will I be with you
As long as the sea is bound to
Our ship on the sound

How long will I want you
As long as you want me too
And longer by far

How long will I hold you
As long as your father told you
As long as you can

How long will I give to you
As long as I live through you
How ever long you say

How long will I love you
As long as stars are above you
And longer if I may

We're all traveling through time together
Every day of our lives
All we can do is do our best
To relish this remarkable ride

你說呢 明知你不在 還是會問
空氣 卻不能代替你 出聲
習慣 像永不癒合 的固執傷痕

把相片 讓你能保存 多洗一本
毛衣 也為你準備多 一層
但是 你孤單時刻 安慰的體溫

我不願讓你一個人 一個人在人海浮沉
我不願你獨自走過 風雨的 時分
我不願讓你一個人 承受這世界的殘忍
我不願眼淚陪你到 永恆

你走後 愛情的遺跡 像是空城
遺落你杯子手套和 笑聲
最後 你只帶走你 脆弱和單純
也許未來 你會找到 懂你疼你 更好的人
下段旅程 你一定要 更幸福豐盛

我不願讓你一個人 一個人在人海浮沉
我不願你獨自走過 風雨的 時分
我不願讓你一個人 承受這世界的殘忍
我不願眼淚陪你到 永恆

你說呢 明知你不在 還是會問
只因 習慣你滿足的 眼神
只是 我最後一個 奢求的可能

只求命運 帶你去一段 全新的旅程
請忘了我還 一個人

When I close my eyes I think of you
And the times we've had been through
Even though we're far apart right now
I remember back when you were here with me
How you've made my world complete
But now I'm left alone

We talked about love and hope
Wishing we could start a life our own
I wish that I could live without you

Why did you tear my heart apart
You said you'll love me from the start
All those painful things you've put me through
But I'm still loving you
I've tried to give my best to you
I don't deserve the things you do
Everything has gone to memories
I just wish I knew the truth behind the lies

We talked about love and hope
Wishing we could start a life our own
I wish that I could live without you

Why did you tear my heart apart
You said you'll love me from the start
All those painful things you've put me through
But I'm still loving you
I've tried to give my best to you
I don't deserve the things you do
Everything has gone to memories
I just wish I knew the truth behind the lies

Why did you tear my heart apart
You said you'll love me from the start
All those painful things you've put me through
But I'm still loving you
I've tried to give my best to you
I don't deserve the things you do
Everything has gone to memories
I just wish I knew the truth behind the lies

其實我係度諗緊,我應唔應該再update呢個post, 因為我知,每一次嘅update,除咗更新自己嘅心,仲會hurt到人地個心。


呢個唔係fair deal...你比我嘅,我無相等地回應翻你。



原帖由 暗狼 於 2015-1-27 12:36 AM 發表 查看引用來源

與其放任自己去諗 不如放縱自己去滾

原帖由 飛機思 於 2015-1-27 01:17 AM 發表 查看引用來源
When I close my eyes I think of you
And the times we've had been through
Even though we're far apart right now
I remember back when you were here with me
How you've made my world complete
But now ...

原帖由 飛機思 於 2015-1-27 01:22 AM 發表 查看引用來源
其實我係度諗緊,我應唔應該再update呢個post, 因為我知,每一次嘅update,除咗更新自己嘅心,仲會hurt到人地個心。

我知,我今晚又hurt到一個人啦,一個好愛我嘅人。我知,佢全程投入去愛 ...

情憑誰來定錯對 我始終不想去追
寂寞路上遇癡心 相戀也有過痛苦一堆
如能從頭遇見你 我始終不會後退
將傷心收於記憶中 仍沒法去剪碎

濃情蜜意盡過去 凍好比一杯冷水
獨自默默望蒼天 心底裡滿載往昔唏噓
迷霧已漸漸散退 過去的經已逝去
前路漫漫顯得更崎嶇 還是要我去面對

回憶起當天的歡笑 是光陰沖洗不去
在這一生中 這一生中沉醉
寂寞憔悴 這世界可有誰
逝去了的愛情 陪孤單寄居
寂寞憔悴 人痛心因你別去

但寂寞憔悴 這世界可有誰

原帖由 飛機思 於 2015-1-27 01:22 AM 發表 查看引用來源
其實我係度諗緊,我應唔應該再update呢個post, 因為我知,每一次嘅update,除咗更新自己嘅心,仲會hurt到人地個心。

我知,我今晚又hurt到一個人啦,一個好愛我嘅人。我知,佢全程投入去愛 ...

噢.......唔記得講.......Good Morning ~:smile_34:
