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old post : http://www.188channel.com/viewthread.php?tid=21953874&extra=page%3D1&page=133



首先: 筆者請問如不關閉本文,任由繼續發文是否會嚴重影響伺服器,繼而影響了整個情色文學版的運作?相信答案是絕對否定的,rigby君可能太抬舉了阿綺的考驗一文,試問每天寥寥數個留言,又豈能癱瘓 貴版的伺服器!相信每天少則十數個,多則達二、三十頁的廣告 「膠帖」對伺服器的影響更為嚴重。

二: 發文是純為興趣及無酬的行為,原則上,文章的每一個章節都可以獨立新帖發布,但一篇文章被斬件式,以新帖發布,會影響了文章的連貫性,直接影響讀者追看的興趣,同時亦對中途加入的新讀者帶來不便。況且,每篇文章的點擊和讀者的反應是撰文者的動力。點擊是一點一滴,每天辛辛苦苦累積下來,每發一帖,以前的點擊也隨之而一掃而空,發文的人癮頭亦大減!

三: 有別於轉載,原創文章是撰文人絞盡腦汁,一字一句嘔心瀝血而成,撰文者能長期堅持,也賺得讀者長期支持,回應才會累積超過版規所限,這樣的文章相信為數不多,對 貴版伺服器影響不大情況下,理應放寬限制,以作鼓勵。現今卻反其道而行,官僚式不作其他考慮,鐵板一塊的按章執行,只會減低撰文者的熱誠,令原創文章卻步。

四: 恕筆者直言,本版的所有版規亦未見管理員諸君嚴格執行,例如版規第6條規定本版不能貼圖,筆者不想開罪其他貼文者,但客觀事實,隨文貼圖者比比皆是,這是否執法不公?




rigby :

I feel 無奈 too about you 長期發文及回應留言,到現在仍被列為新手,沒有發短訊權限, I've added points to you & please let me know whether you have acquired 發短訊權限.

(1) 任由繼續發文是否會嚴重影響伺服器,繼而影響了整個情色文學版的運作?相信答案是絕對否定的 ?

I didn't make that rule 7. 所有post回覆者達50頁時,有關post會被關上,以保持伺服器流暢 。http://www.188channel.com/redirect.php?tid=6033404&goto=lastpost#lastpost.  If you've problem with it, please challenge that rule to the 管理員 for revision (please note I'm just 見習版主, not 管理員).

There were many incidents before that some of the replies "disappeared".  According to 管理員's relpy - it is a system bug & it will stay that way until Discuss.com fix it.  The only way to avoid that from happening is to limit ourselves to 50 pages & 750 replies max on each post.

Totally agree with 廣告 「膠帖」對伺服器的影響更為嚴重。 That's why I've applied to become 見習版主 just to fight it.  I've even refused promotion to become 版主  just to focus all my time here.  If you're not happy about my performance so far, please kindly say so & I'm more than happy to quit!

(2) e.g.  http://www.188channel.com/redirect.php?tid=23512210&goto=lastpost#lastpost had been cut into 3 posts already.  I didn't hear any follower complain about 影響了文章的連貫性 & 讀者追看的興趣,

I agree that 對中途加入的新讀者帶來不便。that's why I would push the locked post back to front page 1 for a few weeks.  

Every 撰文者的動力 could be different。 If 點擊一掃而空 & make 發文的人癮頭大減, unfortunately that will be the case until Discuss.com fix their bug!

(3) Just like some replies on this post had causally accused me of 執法不公, "fair" is an important issue!  I disagree with your view re 官僚式不作其他考慮,鐵板一塊的按章執行,只會減低撰文者的熱誠,令原創文章卻步。 Again, if you've problem with me trying to be fair to everybody else, please say so & I'm more than happy to quit!

(4) Totally agree with 本版的所有版規亦未見管理員諸君嚴格執行,that's why I applied to become 見習版主 to help.  I've even refused promotion to become 版主  just to focus all my time here.  If you're not happy about my performance so far, please kindly say so & I'm more than happy to quit!

Besides,  http://www.188channel.com/redirect.php?tid=5205964&goto=lastpost#lastpost-- 為了使發文暢順, 一切連載故事, 不可相隔3天沒有出貼。如有發現先鎖貼處理, 如樓主希望繼續, 請PM版主解釋及申請解鎖。

-- 為使讀文暢快, 回應如沒有實際內容(例如只說"多謝""支持"之類), 一概刪除, 不另外扣分。

Do you really want me to 嚴格執行 these as well?

But I disagree with your 例如版規第6條規定本版不能貼圖,please provide your link becoz I can't find it!  

It should be http://www.188channel.com/redirect.php?tid=6033404&goto=lastpost#lastpost 3. 嚴禁於此區貼圖及影片,否則一律刪除。

Please note : can you differentiate "隨文" 貼圖 vs 貼圖 ?  這不是執法不公.

[ 本帖最後由 rigby 於 2014-7-13 12:21 PM 編輯 ]


(rigby : please note - 有關post被"關上", not 刪)

[ 本帖最後由 rigby 於 2014-7-13 12:03 PM 編輯 ]



rigby : I too 支持原創, but I also have to fair to everybody!

[ 本帖最後由 rigby 於 2014-7-13 12:29 PM 編輯 ]


rigby : to answer your question directly ... NO!!!  & it is not fair to me for you to causally make that kind of accusation.  If you've a problem with my performance so far, please say so & I'm more than happy to quit!!!

[ 本帖最後由 rigby 於 2014-7-13 12:07 PM 編輯 ]


難道版主只想大家 post 完就算?咁只會愈嚟少人出原創故事,咁點解要留嚮度出 post?

rigby : 點解?


7. 所有post回覆者達50頁時,有關post會被關上,以保持伺服器流暢

[ 本帖最後由 rigby 於 2014-7-13 12:32 PM 編輯 ]


rigby : please advice which 洗版的廢post 唔處理 ???

If you can not give me any example, I demand your APOLOGY!!!

& it is not fair for anyone to causally make that kind of accusation.

If you've a problem with my performance so far, please say so & I'm more than happy to quit!!!

[ 本帖最後由 rigby 於 2014-7-13 12:10 PM 編輯 ]


rigby : Handled already!

[ 本帖最後由 rigby 於 2014-7-13 12:11 PM 編輯 ]


rigby: "fair " is wrong?

If you have problem with the rule, do challenge the rule.

If you have problem with me, say so & I'll quit!

[ 本帖最後由 rigby 於 2014-7-13 12:13 PM 編輯 ]


rigby : it is not fair for anyone to causally make groundless accusation.  成何體统?

[ 本帖最後由 rigby 於 2014-7-13 12:15 PM 編輯 ]

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