原帖由 過路人文迪 於 2014-6-3 10:02 AM 發表
rigby 兄, 你已在你職責範圍之內盡了能力, 所以我亦要向你講聲多謝, 投訴反影純為依照版規咁作個 take action 動作, 至於問題能否有效地解決, 似乎亦只能歎句奈何, 望版主繼續努力為此版無私地出力, 好等我地一眾真正 ...
No need to thank me for carrying out my duty, which I've committed & authorized to do so.
Just wish that we all could have a tiny little space of freedom (wherever possible) where everybody could be happy to hang around.
Besides, what makes this world so colorful therefore so enjoyable?
Becoz we're filled with all kinds of different things & people.