原帖由 if_0714 於 2013-3-31 11:19 PM 發表 Actually I met him when I was about to have my public exam. What I expected at that time was I would find a soulmate who can listen to me. But we were doing well and he wanted something more than ...
原帖由 dada__pig 於 2013-3-31 11:20 PM 發表 你好燥喎:smile_19:
原帖由 bettany 於 2013-3-31 11:18 PM 發表 咪又係俾自己啲仆街感覺呃咗囉.所以做好男人, 通到啱感覺嘅先去, 冇撚用架.都係搵個佢lum你多過你lum佢嘅, 等人媾好過啦.
原帖由 SIMCITY7 於 2013-3-31 11:18 PM 發表 我都想預到師姐呢類既女女
原帖由 bettany 於 2013-3-31 11:21 PM 發表 係呀, 近排個人上火.
原帖由 bettany 於 2013-3-31 11:20 PM 發表 你有冇同佢講過唔想再進一步先?
原帖由 if_0714 於 2013-3-31 11:23 PM 發表 Yes. But he still insisted on meeting each other....I was tired of being pestered.
原帖由 Heartbreaker. 於 2013-3-31 11:21 PM 發表 唔好嬲啦……… 咁追一個自己有feel既人冇問題架! 只係雙方都要有feel 有難度姐…… 搵一個人地鍾意自己多d 唔係問題… 只係日後就會覺得好悶對方好可有可無…… 唔識講,希望你明
原帖由 bettany 於 2013-3-31 11:25 PM 發表 我當然唔係無的放矢啦.我同佢係出席啲場合, 第一次見我地嘅人會以為我地兩個係拍緊拖, 果種親密嘅程度.可能因為咁我會覺得大家嘅感覺係mutual掛.