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原帖由 Leizibug 於 2013-3-29 08:25 AM 發表 查看引用來源

有時覺得搵SP仲易過搵女朋友/老婆, 女仔搵老公要睇你有冇錢, 做梗咩工, 有冇不良啫好, 對屋企人好冇, 有冇情趣, 成個List有排tick, 揀sp可能仲冇咁複雜
咁就係呀, 除左擔心對方有冇病之外, 都冇咩瓜葛, 會玩得開心D, 剛剛前日同而家個SP去左大陸兩日, 簡直好似度蜜月咁

原帖由 manish0708 於 2013-3-29 09:33 PM 發表 查看引用來源

mind telling me your age? Because I want to know whether old ladies like mature men or younger men?
我47, 太後生同D中女出去驚會比人笑老牛嗒嫩草, 佢地多數唔制的


原帖由 www1808 於 2013-3-30 10:57 發表 查看引用來源

我47, 太後生同D中女出去驚會比人笑老牛嗒嫩草, 佢地多數唔制的

原帖由 www1808 於 2013-3-30 10:57 AM 發表 查看引用來源

我47, 太後生同D中女出去驚會比人笑老牛嗒嫩草, 佢地多數唔制的

原帖由 www1808 於 2013-3-30 10:57 AM 發表 查看引用來源

我47, 太後生同D中女出去驚會比人笑老牛嗒嫩草, 佢地多數唔制的
I am 45 and married and have several mature female friends who are 45+ and single. I don't understand why I always want to have sex with them and not interested in young women.  I have one 48 years old pretty female friend (single and living alone) whom I want to fuck.  Do you think I am abnormal ? woman of her age and single still want to have sex? Since you are woman expert, please advise me.

[ 本帖最後由 manish0708 於 2013-3-31 08:54 AM 編輯 ]

原帖由 manish0708 於 2013-3-31 08:43 AM 發表 查看引用來源

I am 45 and married and have several mature female friends who are 45+ and single. I don't understand why I always want to have sex with them and not interested in young women.  I have one 48 year ...
me 2..i think women over 40 are very hot ....(if they intend to keep their look):smile_13:

回覆 77# 的帖子

You think they still like fucking at such age.

原帖由 manish0708 於 2013-3-31 08:43 AM 發表 查看引用來源

I am 45 and married and have several mature female friends who are 45+ and single. I don't understand why I always want to have sex with them and not interested in young women.  I have one 48 year ...
客氣啦師兄 ,正如之前d師兄講,中女成熟大方,祗要用心,必有所獲,但最好唔好每次見面都為性而來,比佢覺得你係色魔就冇得玩

原帖由 manish0708 於 2013-3-31 08:43 AM 發表 查看引用來源

I am 45 and married and have several mature female friends who are 45+ and single. I don't understand why I always want to have sex with them and not interested in young women.  I have one 48 year ...
c hing 太客氣, 年紀越大, 思想越成熟, 越需要有安全感, 妳能給對方的印象是安穩的, 正當的, 不是一開始便擺出一副狼相,  咁機會就大D囉
