完左之後 唔記得佢問左D咩
但我就同左佢講 其實我係處
之後佢話不如交換skype 啦
嘩! 佢咁正我即刻狗衝add左佢
然後轉移陣地去skype 傾
佢問我會鐘意點樣既sex 我話:I have no idea, never try before
M: hmmm, if we gonna have real sex, I will help u to find this out.
係wor 下年我去荷蘭讀書..德國係荷蘭格離..有機播!:smile_47:
M: we can have real sex! I will be your first man then
果個moment 比性欲充氛頭腦 真係覺得超sweet
M: I’d be soft at first, then I will go hard, baby can you take this?
我: sure, I will beg you please dun stop..