
偷食大黑腸 (updated Part32 @ P200 on 23/9)

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Part 3

見佢剩係喺到笑又冇乜反應,只好將行動升級、我面向佢,解開我腰間束住睡袍o既腰帶, 將件睡袍一邊博頭位啦低, 露出一邊bra佢睇. 隻手繼續係佢心口同大脾掃下掃下, 有時又有意冇意埽下佢个賓州位.
佢剩係喺到笑, 重寸我話,我係幾吸引嘅, 但佢未有沖動想姦我咁話. 之后我味慶囉. 一野推佢埋sofa, 直情徐左件袍, 服係佢身上, 車鬼佢. 隻手就開始除佢件裇衫, 見到佢果d胸肌同果排朱古力,Oh my God! 時間無多, 就唔理得咁多, 剩返十五分鐘, 繼續車佢, 摸佢好鬼死結實嘅心口, 另一隻除佢皮帶作勢除佢褲, 有時又隔住褲摸賓州, 沿着袋底摸到上到頂, 再又摸返落个袋底. 重覆重覆咁做, 佢仲係喺到笑笑口對住我, 仲講”10 minutes left, yes, I got just a little bit hard only, but you still have long way to go. You better hurry up.” 心諗,:”Shit!” 我打左佢心口一下, 之后就bent my knee between his legs除佢條西褲, 佢條大黑暘都未大曬就晾起左少少佢條boxer. 諗處剩係隔處條boxer 好似頭咁卒佢, 佢條大黑腸會” 動Dell”. 到左最后五分鐘, John 又話,”5 minutes left, why don’t you try on my dick directly? Try to lick my dick, gal! Your time is running out.” I think, “wat da hack!” Then take out his dick, oh my fxxking …..,我尖叫一聲, 好大條, 小妹聽就聽過好多次, 黑人條賓州好大條好粗, 今次親眼見到都真係忍唔住尖叫一聲. 好彩係game 姐, 如果唔係…老公個條都頂唔順, 0尼大黑腸, 死得啦!


Part 4

捉住佢條半硬半軟嘅巨腸到係咁chok, John話,”Not too bad, but you have not much time left… Handjob only? You must be kidding me, unless you want to lose.”

今次知死喇! Only 3 minutes left.

John話, “I do like blowjob, that could be your only chance to win this game. Ok, I do you another favor that you will lose fair and square! If you can make my dick damn hard and wet in 10 minutes, I lose. Now, that is depending on your skills….”

要我含!? 佢未沖涼喎! 我諗左一陣, ……..

死就死又唔係口爆,lick到佢剽水就羸, 最多一陣用李思德林. 我chok左幾下, 就開始幫佢含下奶下啜下, 有時又用條脷了下佢, 打下轉. 宜家講返就好似好易, 嗰時真係都幾辛苦同好索氣, 因為佢真係好大條, 我一隻手係揸唔曬, 應該有差唔多至少有兩吋粗 (未完全硬曬時), 兩隻手上丁一齊都仲要有一段凸出黎. Open my mouth widely, 先含到佢條大黑腸. 過左一陣, 我感覺到佢又大左. 見漸有起色, 我更加多兩錢肉緊, 啜快D. 如是者, 去到好硬下嘅時候, 我再啜多一陣, 有d液体由條野个穴流出黎, 而且有陣味, 又唔係臭, 但有d怪, 同時佢都低沉叫左一聲, 望佢個樣仲好似幾enjoy. 我就即離口, 話,”Yeah! I win!”
John話,”Hold on. Look at the clock please!” 我望下個鐘, 原來我已經超時五分鐘已上,”Shit! :smile_o14: You such a Fxxking Axxhoxx! Why don’t you tell me time is up!” John 剩係坐係到狂笑. 之后就話,”I just started feeling great when the time was up.” 我就沖入restroom 用李思德林.

Part 5
浪完口之后, 我一邊著返件睡袍一邊同John講,”ok, your turn now.”
John話,”hold on, don’t you want to know why you could not turn me on and make me wet in 30 minutes?”

我諗一諗(飲左洒諗野有d慢),又係喎. 可能John可以教到我點可以改善同老公d關係.
I said, “Ok, then you tell me.”

John kidding 話,” I’m going to  teach you something, why don’t you said please?”

死野玩野喎, 好我忍你. 我話,”John, pleaseeeeee!”

John,話,” Your dress code was surprised me. That was great and made me a bit hard.

However, this is a game designed by me.
Of course, I will not let you win that easy.
I will fight for your seduction.

You should not spend too much time to seduce me by touching and rubbing. They are great, but not too important on this game.

Also, you have too many boundaries. Hygiene is one of the issues. I know that is very important, but now is a game, you know. You should catch the wave in sex once your partner turn on. Don’t interrupt the rhythm. Time is your enemy no matter on sex or this game. Unless your partner doesn't mind.

Two more issues, one is the way you rub my dick, another is the way you suck my dick.

Let talk about rubbing dick. You have to do light and slowly if there is no any lube. Let me pay you extra tips. If you have no lube or no time to take lube, just use your own spit. Don’t you see that on porn! You may need to go from slow to fast and from light to hard. Once the dick gets wet, you can go with full speed. The combination between lube and man fluid is the perfect lube.

Well, your eyes and face expression can be the deadly weapon. You should be facing the dick you are rubbing or sucking, but your eyes should look up at the guy’s eyes. Show your hungry, shy, please but horny expression from you face and eyes, like a shy kid wants to get a candy from a stranger.

Last but not least, Blowjob!

Your mouth and tongue need to be sensitive to the feeling of dick. Relax your mouth and tongue that is extremely important to you. Don’t you feel short of breath? That’s because your mouth and tongue are not relax. You mouth should company with your hands. Rub the dick by your hand and suck the dick at the same rhythm but slightly opposite direction. Rotate your tongue and rub the dickhead, especially the edge of the dickhead the edge of the dickhead.

Catch the rhythm of the guy breath is catchin the wave!”

“Oh, one more. I guess one of your major boundaries that keep you away from the defloration is You cannot relax! Just relax, following your feeling and don’t care anything that disturbs your pleasure moment.

聽完之后, 我頭都大埋.


To be continue...........

Sorry, o里part 英文太多, 如果要翻译,冇ching 可以邦到我呢?

[ 本帖最後由 maymaychu8 於 2012-5-12 04:26 PM 編輯 ]

原帖由 maymaychu8 於 2012-4-28 04:00 PM 發表 查看引用來源
咁有冇同黑人做愛破處呀:smile_47: :smile_47:

原帖由 63021 於 2012-4-28 16:04 發表 查看引用來源

咁有冇同黑人做愛破處呀:smile_47: :smile_47:

就係咁嘅:smile_47: 最令我冇胃口

原帖由 maymaychu8 於 2012-4-28 04:11 PM 發表 查看引用來源
就係咁嘅:smile_47: 最令我冇胃口


原帖由 maymaychu8 於 2012-4-28 04:16 PM 發表 查看引用來源


原帖由 maymaychu8 於 2012-4-28 04:02 PM 發表 查看引用來源
有一排我地成日因為房事嘅問題而嘈交。有一日佢call我話佢要加班個晚要通頂,講講下又嘈起上黎,攪到我係公司喊左上黎。成個下午都做唔到野,放工時咁arm碰到同事亞john( John 係黑人 , 佢問我下午為乜事喊, ...

原帖由 karolas 於 2012-4-28 16:19 發表 查看引用來源
possible, but I will have no motive if no one responses.
