原帖由 maymaychu8 於 2012-4-27 02:50 PM 發表 He did not understand that, but I may be I am too slow to turn on.
原帖由 maymaychu8 於 2012-4-27 11:59 AM 發表 小妹以前唔係引板嘅常客,直至到發現老公個電腦記錄成日上引板。 佢仲衰到將我地床上面嘅擺上嚟。好!佢做初一我做十五。我又post.小妹寫得唔好請多多包涵 小妹係一個已婚幾年嘅人妻 ...
原帖由 virgin 於 2012-4-27 15:05 發表 你老公成日都上引版?仲出過 post? So, who is he? 你而家又出 post 咁佢咪知係你,同埋你講緊佢囉?
原帖由 earth2011 於 2012-4-27 15:03 發表 對慢熱既女性就更加要加倍既溫柔, 用埋加倍既前戲, 自不然水到渠成呢
原帖由 y1990326 於 2012-4-27 14:24 發表 咁你叫佢唔好咁心急...慢慢黎...當你適應左先再加速:smile_o13:
原帖由 MissTanzanite 於 2012-4-27 14:14 發表 係咪心理問題? 我之前都好怕,頭一次真係痛到喊, 但後段:smile_o05:
原帖由 醉爆 於 2012-4-27 13:23 發表 一世唔好破...留起佢..........
原帖由 maymaychu8 於 2012-4-27 03:15 PM 發表 He did try, but he was holding at the mid of a push-up position for 10 minutes. Therefore, he complained about me. Once he complained, I would feel stress and unhappy.
原帖由 snowman122664 於 2012-4-27 14:23 發表 幾年都破唔到處...真係要比個服字你地!!!