If you mention entrepreneurship in HK, I have a lot to say...
I bet 99.9% of the parents in HK would try to push the kids to study for becoming a doctor or lawyer eventually, if they cannot get into a school that could lead them into investment banks. If not, then settle for becoming an architect, accountant, engineer, IT engineer, civil servant, teacher, etc.
In HK if you tell people you are an entrepreneur, quite likely the first reaction from the people would be: you couldn't find a job?
And what's the cost of starting a business in HK, or specifically office / retail rental expenses?
原帖由 剩女春嬌 於 2012-4-26 06:58 PM 發表
啲 C9 與其將老公既血汗錢倒晒落海, 不如留返D血汗錢幫D子女成立基金或者比佢地做創業成本好過啦