Mrs. Z: 別再搞啦....好不好...
Husband: 你真的不想要嗎?
Mrs. Z: 不想要...不想要.......別啦...這是人家的地方呀!!
Husband: 怕什麼.....小弟早就睡了!
Mrs. Z: 給人家聽見, 你不羞嗎?
Husband: 羞甚麼, 老婆發騷, 老公當然要好好的攪她一攪啦...
Mrs. Z: 人家那有....
Husband: 還說沒有....穿得這麼少, 快四十歲還穿短袟, 小背心多騷
Mrz. Z: 這裏很熱呀....
Husband: 來..來..來... 熱就讓老公幫你脫光光....
Mrs. Z: 丫...呀... 不要呀...唔....唔... 老公...不要呀...很痕呀!
Husband: 看!....你這騷B ......這麼快就濕淋淋....淫水這麼多呵...
Mrs. Z: 唔....啊............唔.... 唔...
Husband: 怪不得你整晚在床上翻來翻去.....就是等著我來抄!
Mrs. Z: 不是啊.......丫....... 丫.... 老公呀!
I was so hard again and I heard it so clear. My goddess was only one wall away, getting heat up and maon. I was still thinking how wild Mrs. Z could become. Would she be aggressive? Was she a easy cumming slut?
Mrs. Z: 老公....我受不了啦........
Husabnd: 來...你要就先用嘴吧幫我.........
Mrs. Z: 啊.....不要拉呀......痛呀.......
Husband: 好好的舐...... 唔.....舒服呵....就是這樣....
Mrs. Z: .呵....呵..唔......
Husband: 把它全塞進去............唔....好爽.....好爽....哈哈...真會含.....
Now, how could I not get aroused. I always found Mrs. Z's month was so sexy, a prefect pair of lips to give out blow job. Seemed to me Mrs. Z was the kind of woman know how to please men. Probably good enough to suck a man till he cum. I had to jerk myself off again while thinking about Mrs. Z would love my cock even more than her chubby husband's. She loved to have my cum inside her mouth.
Husband: 你這騷B真厲害......轉過去......趴下來 ......哦...
Mrs. Z: .啊............唔.... 唔..........
Husband: 把腿張大....我要狠狠的抄你一頓........ 哦 ...唏....啊.........
Mrs. Z: .啊.)))))))))))噢))))))))))) 啊))))))))))))輕......一.......點....... 噢))))))))))))))))不要....咬啊....
Husband: 很爽吧............... 啊))))))) 啊)))))))爽吧......爽吧......抄死你......抄死你...... 啊)))))))
Mrs. Z: 噢)))))))))))啊)))))))))))) YESSSSSSSSS))))))) ))))YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS))))))))
I ..... want ......... I ..... want.........Yes........ 噢))))))))!!!
Husband: 來啦.... 來啦..... 來啦...我要來啦............吭)))))))) 啊))))))...厲害....厲害.....哦哦哦
Mrs. Z: 哦........ 哦....... 唔.......哦.
It was very hot, for the first time I could hear Mrs Z moaned in real. I felt like I discovered another side of her. The woman who was not shy anymore and full of desire. However, it was very strange, why did Mrs. Z moaned out in English? I did not believe she ever spoke English to her family. She knew I was listening next door? or because she was thinking of something else.
All I remembered I was still very hard and wanted to cum once more while thinking about Mrs. Z. I wanted to kiss her sweet lips, her neck, her ears........ I would lick her body all over.......her nipples... her inner thighs.... even her lovely feet and toes. Mrs Z would very enjoy my tongue bath. Her cunt was going to be all dripping... her long legs would shake like crazy. She would guide my cock inside her warm pussy slowly. I felt all her warmness, her tight muscle wrap against my hard on. Mrs Z would said to me, 小弟....插我.....我要.... 噢))))))))))) Yes, like this......ooohhhh yesssss. I loved to put one of her long leg rested on my shoulder...... I would push every stroke so deep inside her that I could rub against her sweet clit. I was going to fuck her so hard and fast that she would cum and cum under me. I wanted to cum with her, shoot my load inside her over floating pussy......... oh yessssss.......
Might be because I already had the cum of the century, I still could not cum again. The room was quiet at first I could hear my own heart beat. However, not even 15 minutes later, I could heard Mr. Z snoring, what a fuckin' pig that spoiled all my mood. I was thinking I could not cum twice now, thank for you shit head, but then............