原帖由 煙花易冷 於 2011-8-23 09:21 AM 發表 瘟神今日no show, 心情異常暢快 :smile_o13: :smile_o13:
原帖由 ccmhkg 於 2011-8-23 09:22 AM 發表 Your subordinate?
原帖由 煙花易冷 於 2011-8-23 09:24 AM 發表 YUP, he no show today and we cant found him:smile_o01: :smile_o01: The greatest thing is that, he will be fired coz of his no show and I do nothing :smile_o11: :smile_o11:
原帖由 ccmhkg 於 2011-8-23 09:28 AM 發表 Why you so sure that he will be get fired? as I know he needs to no show without notice for 3 consecutive days ----> direct fire him
原帖由 煙花易冷 於 2011-8-23 09:31 AM 發表 He is NCSC only :smile_44: My section head said that to me la, let me cfm him again:smile_13: :smile_13:
原帖由 ccmhkg 於 2011-8-23 09:33 AM 發表 woow, you took the authority to "chicken" this person wor :smile_o04: :smile_o04:
原帖由 煙花易冷 於 2011-8-23 09:59 AM 發表 挑 sick leave :smile_45: :smile_45: