
喜愛被強暴(相 PG 44, 61)

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原帖由 coconut1979 於 2011-7-30 12:02 PM 發表 查看引用來源

原帖由 coconut1979 於 2011-7-30 12:02 PM 發表 查看引用來源
嘩!咁勁的size? support!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's start my words again. That's a fuxking reason why hate typing Chinese, cos screwed it twice and swear won't happen anymore. Well,  i' m not kinda pretty but thought my open hearted style, the most important thing's smile...always! That's why never ever feel bored. And best b4 mid-night call me out fun, and unconscious bit after 12 am often. Haha.....cos in bed with.....someone else. ^^
Having dine last night 'round 8, and 5 gals at all. Dress up......well, as sexy as we can, should know b4 we go a battle, we gotta start the fire and let's all gorgeous surrender...Haha.....by all means, I'm sluty cos I love sex stuff like.  ^^
about me last night, white shirt, and mini skirt in black, of cos my lovely high heel, and swear can make u higher and higher. Something fun happened and a man just sit right beside our table, and keep focus on my fd's mini skirt, I just saw what he did, and I just pretend to drop something next to him, and a..... show him my under pantie. Haha.... He just a.....can't figure out how he felt, but just keep on my legs over a 10 secs. It's weird but fun.
We gotta couple bottle of white wine, Yatanna my favor, then, Nat my sweetie wanna meet his bf, so we gotta go meet Parlo my friend, he who came from Toscana, Italy; he's so gorgeous, and over 6 ft heights, and the more I concern 'bout is......a TV show on HBO name 6 feet under, but Parlo gotta his weapon is 8 Inches Over...

Talk later on.

[ 本帖最後由 coconut1979 於 2011-7-30 02:06 PM 編輯 ]

原帖由 coconut1979 於 2011-7-30 02:03 PM 發表 查看引用來源
Let's start my words again. That's a fuxking reason why hate typing Chinese, cos screwed it twice and swear won't happen anymore. Well,  i' m not kinda pretty but thought my open hearted style, the mo ...
thx ypu fuxking detil report
stilp wait your next part

haa haa
i'm be your no.1fans here lei

原帖由 coconut1979 於 2011-7-30 02:03 PM 發表 查看引用來源
Let's start my words again. That's a fuxking reason why hate typing Chinese, cos screwed it twice and swear won't happen anymore. Well,  i' m not kinda pretty but thought my open hearted style, the mo ...
SUPPORT U~~~~~~~~~~~:smile_o12:

U know, just done it less than 10 mins by English; but over 30 mins by Chinese, and ruined it at last. That's why. Gotta sleep now, and back Chinese version next. 886. :smile_o07:
原帖由 Water_man 於 2011-7-30 02:23 PM 發表 查看引用來源

SUPPORT U~~~~~~~~~~~:smile_o12:

原帖由 coconut1979 於 2011-7-30 02:59 PM 發表 查看引用來源
U know, just done it less than 10 mins by English; but over 30 mins by Chinese, and ruined it at last. That's why. Gotta sleep now, and back Chinese version next. 886. :smile_o07:  
完全明白,see u later

趁起身有時間, 寫埋之前未完啲嘢. 食完飯, Parlo去咗meet埋佢個朋友DanielParty, 去到個Art gallery, , 頂佢吖, 成廿幾30, 男男女女, 燕瘦環肥, 乜都有, 咁我呢啲 lower lever嘅梗係mark住啲大炮啦, 幾杯到肚, 又加上音樂環境, 仲唔La La聲塭地方開戰咩; ParloDaniel佢間workshop喺附近, 問我有冇興趣上去參觀. 佢仲話:”You’r chicken, or not?” “Haha……See what I do up there, you fool!” 之後唔洗諗呢幾個鐘頭佢倆點屌爆我啦.
! 我都成曰玩架啦, 不過係要熟先至玩得癲啫. ParloDaniel識咗我3, 工作上認識, sex方面大家都幾啱key, 特別係parlo, 佢口交技術真係……..! Lam到我成日標水, Daniel就視覺效果極佳, 因為極型佬.

臨開workshop度門, 我同Parlo已經又揸又練, 未入去我條mini skirt 已經除咗, 得番上衫同high heel, 入到去一個已經係咁咀我, Daniel又開始錫我大脾; 之後Parlo拉咗我入bathroom, 之後我對34吋大波已經彈咗出嚟, 我同Parlo喺入面已經光脫脫, Parlo 8 inches over已經砰一聲拍咗去我面珠dun, 因為要食腸腸Ma, 但真係太長, 所以我用我殺手鐧, 舌尖lam lam6, lam一野, 就震一震, 好玩!

佢都唔比我lead住佢嚟玩, 即刻將我扒埋牆, gut高我pat pat, 擘大我大脾; 扑街以為佢扑我, 點知佢用脷田c眼一路lam到陰户, 仲要反開佢lam埋入面, 癡線, high到震; Daniel 就拎住支beer喺出面睇住我地玩. 然後我突然間!”一聲叫咗出嚟, 仲雩好悽厲嗰隻, ! Parlo喺我唔為意時已經帶咗dum dum插入去, “slow down, can’t suffer it….u god damn…it”佢喺我後面開恆摩打咁插入去, 不過佢好識做,佢驚我頂唔住都唔插到盡. 插咗一陣(15分鐘)出去Studio度玩天冚地’, 我就同佢話…’Fuck me harder, deeper……and……..deeper….ah! …..男上女下係插得哂架; 睇住佢6野出出入入, 我都忍唔住叫埋Daniel要含埋佢; 佢都唔弱, 同我條仔一樣7吋多, 我冇理, 上面含含含, 下面就插插插; I’m cuming, I’m cuming……之後Daniel擒住我兩隻手唔放, Parlo就繼續插.
Oh! I’m cuming, Ouch!
唔洗我講, 射咗. 仲好多tim. 扑街, 射完喺我裏面仲唔肯出嚟.
Let me check its out……
, d 精精咁鬼多, 1/4支益力多咁. 口爆都唔知吞唔吞得哂. Daniel都冇比我回氣, 扶好位置, 對準目標…..”! !.....”:smile_o13:

原帖由 coconut1979 於 2011-7-30 11:46 PM 發表 查看引用來源
趁起身有時間, 寫埋之前未完啲嘢. 食完飯, 同Parlo去咗meet埋佢個朋友Daniel去Party, 去到個Art gallery, 哇, 頂佢吖, 成廿幾30人, 男男女女, 燕瘦環肥, 乜都有, 咁我呢啲 lower leve ...
thx fo yr sharing~
gd and great for 3p game~

原帖由 coconut1979 於 2011-7-30 11:46 PM 發表 查看引用來源
趁起身有時間, 寫埋之前未完啲嘢. 食完飯, 同Parlo去咗meet埋佢個朋友Daniel去Party, 去到個Art gallery, 哇, 頂佢吖, 成廿幾30人, 男男女女, 燕瘦環肥, 乜都有, 咁我呢啲 lower leve ...
