原帖由 peterng1988 於 2011-5-16 12:31 AM 發表
photoshop is just a skill,
but creating the whole thing is an art
tuning the lights,
matching the right backgrounds,
placing ur body in the right position,
these are what make them look good!
Yo ...
Thanks a lot! 其實我之前只係掛白布黎影,因為唔想影到混亂既屋企~
不過慢慢又覺得好悶,所以試下key 背景上去,一key 就愛上左,感覺唔同哂:smile_40:
好似我icon 咁,張sofa 都係key 上去架,本來我係坐係張好樣衰既桌椅