
我們是有了性, 才有愛... 還是只有性? (和EJ的性愛故事: update16/2)

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原帖由 PASI 於 2011-2-15 08:34 PM 發表 查看引用來源

pasi 一分... :smile_o12:

和韓國人的他.... 曾經有段超難忘的愛情...


和他一直見面, 見面又不敢做下一步... 想做又不敢做...
到后來試過一次... 做完我同佢都好好好內疚...
不過都係有下一次.... 第二次更內疚...
跟住無幾耐, 佢同太太吵 (不是因為我)...
他們回了韓國... 到现在沒見面了~

[ 本帖最後由 blue_rosey 於 2011-2-15 09:26 PM 編輯 ]

原帖由 blue_rosey 於 2011-2-15 08:39 PM 發表 查看引用來源

pasi 一分... :smile_o12:

和韓國人的他.... 曾經有段超難忘的愛情...


和他一直見面, 見面又不敢做下一步... 想做又不敢做...
到后來試過一次... 做完我 ...
  Korean is not your favourite style

ok, talking back about EJ, He is a matured man, let him choose his way of life

You only can fully support and respect his decision., i don't think EJ can be affected easily from girls, never in the past and unitl now.

take care


原帖由 wcday 於 2011-2-16 12:04 AM 發表 查看引用來源

  Korean is not your favourite style

ok, talking back about EJ, He is a matured man, let him choose his way of life

You only can fully support and respect his decision., i don't think E ...
I don't know what I can do, I want to do more for him, but I am scared of doing too much
I'm not used to playing the active role in teh relationship, but with EJ he's the passive one.
I'm not used to be the one bringing soup and baking cookies,
I'm used to be the one having soup and cookies brought to me. ~.~
I'm not used to be the one who has to make excuses to see the guy
the guy is the one to make excuses to see me.
I'm not used to be the one who has to make excuses to have sex with the guy.
it's always the other way around...

With EJ I have to constantly try, which is sort of OK, because I like him enough I naturally do it,
but it's not the trying that's hurting me, it's that I always have to hold myself back afraid I'm doing too much and getting too closed.
Overtime I learnt to pick up hints, when he wants something, he will never tell, but his action will show it and I'll do it.
Right now I'm lost... I can't tell what he wants.  
everything from his action to his body language is telling me he wants more, but when his words is telling me he doesn't.  

Why are guys so confusing?

同EJ第一次之后, 因為果時工作太忙.... 過左成個幾星期都唔記得左EJ... 點知EJ知道Rosey生日, 生日前兩日打電話離問rosey生日前有乜做 (佢知我生日當日有party, 但佢果日要出差... )

哦~ 算佢有心啦~ 就約左佢果晚飲野...

rosey當然細心打扮... 著左金/黑色corset加短裙...
去到, rosey遲到添, EJ已經到左...
rosey無理佢, 坐低叫左杯martini

"text/call me later, i want to see you to discuss some work."
痴線~ 十點幾啦, 佢根本就有心 XX rosey...
但rosey講過果兩個月做有關政治工作, 上司係市議員...
仲有佢根本就係會公報私仇果D, 不能得罪...
EJ槍左rosey電話, 幫我reply,
"This is the guy she's having drinks with, "later" is tomorrow morning.  Good night."

果刻真係唔知好嬲定好笑... 好嬲好嬲又忍唔住笑左出呢~
算, 你甘有guts, 唔嬲你, 不過公平D, 等rosey send返個SMS比EJ個boss先...
"Hi, this is EJ's date. EJ just sent a very inappropiate text to my boss.  As his punishment, and my birthday present, I am keeping him tomorrow.  He won't be in for work. Good night. <3"
(你好, 這是EJ今晚約會的女孩, EJ剛發出了非常不適當的SMS給我的老闆。作為他的懲罰和我今天的生日禮物,EJ明天將不能上班。晚安。)

玩到有D過火添... 我同佢對望住笑左一陣....
開始kiss, kiss左一陣已經好high...
roey係EJ耳仔旁邊輕輕咬了一下, 輕輕對他說,
"Let's go.  I still have to punish you tonight."
EJ聽到, 埋單都埋唔切, 埋完我地就飛的返佢屋企...

:smile_o05: :smile_o05: :smile_o05:  踩你場

原帖由 馬場我話事 於 2011-2-16 10:07 PM 發表 查看引用來源
:smile_o05: :smile_o05: :smile_o05:  踩你場
rosey趕住返工~ 你地慢慢玩... 我今晚返到屋企你要乖乖出野比rosey睇呀~  :smile_o05:

原帖由 blue_rosey 於 2011-2-16 10:10 PM 發表 查看引用來源

rosey趕住返工~ 你地慢慢玩... 我今晚返到屋企你要乖乖出野比rosey睇呀~  :smile_o05:

原帖由 馬場我話事 於 2011-2-16 10:11 PM 發表 查看引用來源
都係你對rosey最好~  :smile_o09:

rosey, i miss u............:smile_o09: :smile_o09:
but this is my new account in there.....
