
靚太媽媽的回憶/幻想 - Updated Feb 5 - 一張相 - Details on #1

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seems you can only express your horny here ! keep going and I believe we all support you here!

I want to have a horny wife.  After we had kids, my wife do not like sex anymore. I have to push her and ask her many times.  If lucky, we may have sex once every two weeks.  She simply laid on the bed and nothing fancy!! She is relatively conservative person and does like any sex play.  I really want her to wear the high hill shoe when ml, but she never do.  Now, even no kiss!!  What a boring life!! I do not gamble nor smoke.   Sex is the only way to get relax from stress.  I am in high tension but nothing I can do!!!!





Hi! Sis, this's nice to meet you here, and no need to worry 'bout what you did here.  About the porno story, this's what the people likes, but more I appreciate is you drop words a story in real, not faked,  should know we all just ordinary people, feel horny quite often, and can't stay away from sex.  I love sex, even enjoy havin' it with the one I love.  Sometimes thought seems hard to be a good mother, and know u sacrifice alot for ur family. No matter what, just enjoy leave ur words at forum here.  And share ur romance related u and ur husband.  I'm mother of two kids, like you.  So......again nice to meet you here.  

  welcome, and very nice

ladies in 30s are great :smile_47:

原帖由 lengtaimama 於 2011-1-11 10:54 PM 發表 查看引用來源
This is靚太媽媽.
Let me tell u a bit about myself first.
I am in my mid 30s, married for about 8 yrs with 2 kids.
Used to have a decent hot and slim body, but after giving birth twice, I have some  ...
That's a nice experience, supporting you for more sharing for us. Thz

原帖由 c9lover69 於 2011-1-11 11:51 PM 發表 查看引用來源
I want to have a horny wife.  After we had kids, my wife do not like sex anymore. I have to push her and ask her many times.  If lucky, we may have sex once every two weeks.  She simply laid on the be ...
Thought you better have a talk to ur honey, Since the couple got married or even havin' kids after, more or less rather spend more time on kids, but why not try somethin' new, or even give her an impact.  Such as she doesn't like oral, but try play and give her surprise abit.  Leave HK few days for vacation, and you both can do what ever you want.  No matter what, just open month to ask for, and take action doin' it.  

Wise suggestion
原帖由 kathywonder 於 2011-1-12 12:08 AM 發表 查看引用來源

Thought you better have a talk to ur honey, Since the couple got married or even havin' kids after, more or less rather spend more time on kids, but why not try somethin' new, or even give her a ...

原帖由 kathywonder 於 2011-1-12 00:08 發表 查看引用來源

Thought you better have a talk to ur honey, Since the couple got married or even havin' kids after, more or less rather spend more time on kids, but why not try somethin' new, or even give her a ...
I agree with kathywonder, u should be thankful for your wife. she takes care of the family and the kids. guys always under-estimate how much a woman sacrifice for the family.... i don't want to lecture u, but talk to your wife about the sex life. if u have to do the housework and take care of the kids, at the end of the day u may be so exhausted and do not want to do anything. i suggest u take a day off work, give your wife a break and try to do her work and see how well u can handle that....
