
SL and me worked in the same office

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Can tell us more about yourself?

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Please keep going on.... Interesting to see what the next is.

mmm... as both of you needed to access differ area with smart card, I'm sure the company is very concern about the security.  Have you ever think if a maturity system with multiple CCTV has set at varies points that only the superior might knows where they located?  or is there any problem of leaving a record of a staff entered into other dept. with no official issues?  as well as the relationship between he & you is open or secret.

原帖由 lh14278 於 2010-9-17 10:41 AM 發表 查看引用來源
I was having lunch with two female friends at the cafeteria( on the 6floor building). He texted message me if I want to see his new desk ( his department is moving from the 2nd floor to the 6th floor  ...
Interesting of the NO sharing to other sl/sp
But shared with own bf/gf though
You can extend your collection of SL & SP?
Let's join !!

so good
but be careful
both of u dont want to get caught being naughty:smile_o11:

原帖由 NPGG 於 2010-9-17 02:29 PM 發表 查看引用來源

Interesting of the NO sharing to other sl/sp
But shared with own bf/gf though
You can extend your collection of SL & SP?
Let's join !!

That's right and good idea, bro!

As long as I have very good fingers for clit playing too,
there we could consider to make a good team up if she like.

The problem is I need one of those "personal access batch" to enter the "beautiful private room" of her,

may I?


我是吃午飯的兩名女性朋友在食堂(在6floor建設)。他發短信給我消息,如果我想看看他的新辦公桌(他的部門正在從 2樓到6樓的餐廳)。我說:“是的,讓我們迎接微波領域”。他從電梯出來的一車。我們的安全,我們掃描的批次,走通過夫婦的人。他環顧四周,我們就開始親熱。他的手指滑動,撫摸著我的陰蒂,他說我的耳朵旁邊,“你這麼濕。”我抓住他的公雞,他是如此打開,他的公雞就像堅硬的岩石。當我握著他的公雞,他把手指(我的果汁)在我嘴裡,我開始吸吮和舔。他說:“我想現在你他媽的”

我想分享今天發生的事情,因為這是我第一次作出了在辦公室裡。去年夏天我遇見了他,並張貼一些張貼在這裡。我感到非常驚訝,我們仍然在一起,他承認他感到嫉妒,如果他要與別人分享。其實,我告訴他真相,他是不共享與其他語 /警司。

google translate
i think it actually did an excellent job
hope lh14278 dont mind

Thanks for the translation

I am getting ready to go to work very soon, will come back and post other details between me and him.

原帖由 惡女b水 於 2010-9-17 10:57 發表 查看引用來源


