
揾3P的游戲~ (update #20, #121, #140, #166, #191, #236-7; prt 7.5: #288)

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原帖由 blue_rosey 於 2010-2-13 08:13 PM 發表 查看引用來源

Whoa, my last message didn't show...
Hmm... Obviously sex life has been really colorful since I came back and after my bf and I broke up... So much that I made it my ny resolution to stay abstinate ...
Really colorful and full of happiness ~~~

hi rosey, happy new year, wish you high tide never ends 高潮不斷
~~~ I'm "new comer" :smile_15:

[ 本帖最後由 pigpigd 於 2010-2-13 08:17 PM 編輯 ]

原帖由 hongkongken 於 2010-2-13 09:50 AM 發表

hi there
i think i am just a flash light in your mind now
I remember you, I just don't remember what we talked about... Heh.

恭喜晒, 開咗大餐,都幾精彩,仲以為今日冇post好睇

原帖由 pigpigd 於 2010-2-13 08:16 PM 發表

Really colorful and full of happiness ~~~

hi rosey, happy new year, wish you high tide never ends 高潮不斷
~~~ I'm "new comer" :smile_15:
happy new year, hope you have lots of new tides in the new year too... ;p

原帖由 blue_rosey 於 2010-2-11 11:58 AM 發表 查看引用來源
最近忙到七彩, 沒時間出post,
其實我也很想快點打, 因為最近遇到個女孩身材和樣貌也很象跟我玩3p的女孩, 讓我常常留意著她, 有時跟她太近的話有點想親她~ :smile_o05:

本來不打算打他教我的, 因為我覺 ...
hey Rosey, Kung Hei Fat Choy, waiting for ur sharing when u back from Chicago ah

gd story!!

原帖由 blue_rosey 於 2010-2-7 01:24 PM 發表 查看引用來源
"You're interested in girls, aren't you?  I can tell."
:smile_o07:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAAA5TZGM2w 直覺

原帖由 情劍 於 2010-2-16 09:52 PM 發表

:smile_o07:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAAA5TZGM2w 直覺
Long time no see. Nice to still be remembered.  
Unexpected having you found me at this board. o^_^o

not easy to find a partner

原帖由 blue_rosey 於 2010-2-17 04:23 AM 發表 查看引用來源

Long time no see. Nice to still be remembered.  
Unexpected having you found me at this board. o^_^o
:smile_o07:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydingPIMWsg 無心肝:smile_39:
