
On 9 sink boat case.

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原帖由 蒼龍 於 2010-2-12 02:52 PM 發表
The story is quite long, it spend me much time to read it !!
What I think is everyone has a story, I dont know why you will sink boat with a K girl, but it is time for you to keep your mind back.     ...
As this girl is very charming for me. the type hard to find in HK with my condition.....anyway, end or not to end the story seems not just my decision...if she comes back to find me......

原帖由 w7633452 於 2010-2-12 11:34 發表

You are very right, ching, and I have been playing in China since 2003, I never get sink ga. as I always 鋪鋪清, just don't know why this time so on 9 lor. many factors gei.....all comes together, ...
跟本無需還擊或報仇, 佢只是一個生意人, 純粹商業行為. 倒不如在花叢繼續尋歡, 或正正經經去媾女(兩者可並全而不互排外).

我90's 初已在上面尋樂, 以前的女較有人情味, 因真係窮, 要出來養家.

現在的女好多都係要滿足自己或狠狗, 趁青春盡搵, 亦只是尋歡作樂, 見步行一步.

兩年前在sn認識一女, 據佢自己講, 佢已被某商人(總經理)包起包住, 月薪2萬5元, 每月只見或只做三至四次, 其餘時間佢係自由身, 因太悶而四出搵朋友飲酒打麻雀, 加上豪氣花錢請人飲飲食食, 最後唔夠錢滿足自己, 所以又做sn, 又被包, 可以的話再搵多一兩個客包起自己, 咁就可以支持她的荒唐生活. (唔係因家窮而為娼).

睇開些, 如果條女真係冧你, 佢地好少玩神秘失蹤, 而且希望你可以同佢一齊回鄉探親.

原帖由 Boated 於 2010-2-12 02:54 PM 發表
Ha! Ching: I am older than you.  Where is your girl's hometown? Where did you get to know her......Shenzhen or CP?  I was so excited once she SMS me!
she was from Hunan (lake south), I know her from a k in a high class hotel in cp.....

原帖由 蒼龍 於 2010-2-12 02:57 PM 發表

If you have fall in love with the girl so much, do you have intention to go with her to her own town?
if i know where her hometown exactly is, I think i would go to find her.

原帖由 nofeetbird 於 2010-2-12 03:12 PM 發表 查看引用來源

跟本無需還擊或報仇, 佢只是一個生意人, 純粹商業行為. 倒不如在花叢繼續尋歡, 或正正經經去媾女(兩者可並全而不互排外).

我90's 初已在上面尋樂, 以前的女較有人情味, 因真係窮, 要出來養家.

現在的女好多 ...
CHING: 我絕對同意你的見解!  但做生意比人呃都慶到爆, 何況真係對D女唔錯呀, 都唔知足!

原帖由 nofeetbird 於 2010-2-12 03:12 PM 發表

跟本無需還擊或報仇, 佢只是一個生意人, 純粹商業行為. 倒不如在花叢繼續尋歡, 或正正經經去媾女(兩者可並全而不互排外).

我90's 初已在上面尋樂, 以前的女較有人情味, 因真係窮, 要出來養家.

現在的女好多 ...
I know it is hard to be true that she really love or like me .... how could a 20 yr old girl will like a 3x uncle ar. only sexual trade indeed.
but i have paid her 20k, I really hope I can get a bit more back from her to let this trade to be more fair....suppose Feb is still a month fully paid by me, so she has to serve me gei.

原帖由 Boated 於 2010-2-12 15:20 發表
CHING: 我絕對同意你的見解!  但做生意比人呃都慶到爆, 何況真係對D女唔錯呀, 都唔知足!
有無聽過crm, 即Customer Relationship Managment, 中文釋係: 專屠熟客.

你畀過錢又開心過, 佢地就想如何搾乾你的銀包.

愈貴的酒店, 樣樣野都要收費.

原帖由 w7633452 於 2010-2-12 15:25 發表

I know it is hard to be true that she really love or like me .... how could a 20 yr old girl will like a 3x uncle ar. only sexual trade indeed.
but i have paid her 20k, I really hope I can get  ...
好客戶的Gross Margin 係高些, 但唔代表要畀佢一流的服務.

釣魚的手段, 又要放絲放魚餌, 又鬆又緊, 才可釣大魚嗎?

原帖由 nofeetbird 於 2010-2-12 03:30 PM 發表

好客戶的Gross Margin 係高些, 但唔代表要畀佢一流的服務.

釣魚的手段, 又要放絲放魚餌, 又鬆又緊, 才可釣大魚嗎?
wah you r so right. as i remember first time she serve me , much better than later ga. so after she knows I am on 9 boy and i like her, then she works lazily and "hair 住黎做" la. diu....

Indeed Night place is a platform make dreams comes true, let us those 3x not handsome old men can get nice girls easily which hard to get in reality. and let those country girls with low education can make money more than some highly educated professionals. That's why these kind of places is the oldest business since from thousands years ago.....

anyway, I think from now on, I won't sink boat that easy and i will play girls more wisely....
