
沈船沈到無得救:我和她在深圳的故事(Update #183)(中轉站決定:信心動搖)

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原帖由 wwkin216 於 2010-1-27 08:29 PM 發表
ching, once you say you are serveral times by me, therefore you have the concept and sence of  "social status". I m not meaning argue and protective with myself, if u dont like me due to I m looking d ...
Learn how to read first. I said " I earn much more than you but that DOESN"T give me any right to think any less of you". I only brought that up AFTER you said what you said to illustrate your mis-guided concept. How hard can that be for you to understand??:smile_41: And no, I DON"T look at my girl like you looking at yours. She might make less than me or in your eyes, less educated. However, her character and her comittment to her family(something that I am at odds with her at times) are things that I respect and admire. Yes, reasonable people can have a difference in opinions or/and perspectives but in your case, you only chose what fit your criterias with a total disregard of what others are actually saying. Best of luck.

[ 本帖最後由 651bun 於 2010-1-30 11:05 PM 編輯 ]

原帖由 pokpok 於 2010-1-28 10:29 PM 發表
自從離婚後...我在香港也認識好多女人,但那段時間感覺總是玩玩下而己,沒有真真正正戀愛的感覺,直至遇 ...
Amazing!:smile_38: Would you tell us a bit more, especially how to deal with her family? Thanks in advance.

原帖由 J01 於 2010-1-23 02:19 AM 發表

Ching, Totally agree with you with your points. Nowadays, ordinary HK men can't get anymore advantages or superiority, unless they are rich.

原帖由 她媽嘛 於 2010-1-24 03:30 AM 發表
ai.... love can't make people fall.......not only 80後, 70後 or 60後 also can be 硬擦膠 when facing these kinds of things ...............

原帖由 sunboy36 於 2010-1-25 09:09 PM 發表


我每年去兩三次老婆鄉下, 幾年所見, 佢地屋企窮困好多時都因為以下的原因

如果未起屋--> 要起屋
起左屋--> 要結婚
起左屋 & 結左婚--> 要生 ...
Thank you ching, your viewpoints are very informative to me.

原帖由 eeeJJ 於 2010-1-26 01:20 AM 發表
溝 g 一般都唔好,一來佢地做女果時收入高 (靚少少過萬好平常),你個個月比幾千蚊佢,佢都唔會覺得你對得住佢,二來佢地道德上覺得訓低搵錢無問題先會去做雞,咁訓得第一次就會有第二次,你救得幾多次?三來,你知佢 ...
Ching, all your points are real and true. But it is hard for wwkin216 to do so, as he already have feeling with his gf.  it has to take some time to settle down everything, whatever they get married or break up. But I totally agree with all your sayings.

原帖由 pokpok 於 2010-1-28 10:29 PM 發表
自從離婚後...我在香港也認識好多女人,但那段時間感覺總是玩玩下而己,沒有真真正正戀愛的感覺,直至遇 ...
懷疑只會令自己更難受和令人覺得你很討厭而己!........good point!

Hi, wwkin216, I think many CHings who truly want to help you have already pointed out the difficulties to be with a Mainland MM. Such as, 這段感情是難,有錢做前提的感情也會因為錢的問題而分開; 兩地情是很難維持; 溝小姐比溝正常人家更難,只不過是上床容易得心難; 懷疑只會令自己更難受和令人覺得你很討厭而己!so on. And I think you also fully understand the difficulties you are facing. Before I tell out my advice to you, I’d like to tell a bit about my story.

Months ago, I started a hit with a K girl, I don’t know why I like her so much and I gave her an offer about 10K per month to let her stay with me and stop working in NC. But as time goes by, I felt I falled in love with her. It is just a feeling and hard to tell why I love her, even I know she kept telling lies to me, and I felt sometimes she maybe still keep seeing her former clients. Also, every time we meet, she would ask me for money, if I give her less than she expect, she would “dark face”. She also asked me to buy her Mobile, PC, cloth, etc. I just still keep buying because I want to see her happy face. I know I am on 9 but I just keep letting myself be so on 9 because I am happy when I stay with her. And I do trust she has the financial pressure from her mother.

I also tell myself I should leave her but as I have promised her to take care her and give her 20K to her for giving her family for Chinese new year. So I just did it. I didn’t earn very much but so far I still can manage it financially. But if I still keep giving out, I am sure someday not far away I would break. And now she is back to her hometown for CNY. And I miss her very much but I can’t get touch with her as she turned off her mobile, sometimes I think maybe she already gets all she wants from me and now run away home with her “wolf dog”, or whatever reason she doesn’t pick up my call or replies my SMS. But I also think it is a good thing if she never shows up herself so I can end up all these messy and get my normal life back.

Now is my advice to you:

I think your MM is good girl as comparing to mine. I think you still love her and you don’t want to leave her, just you think you won’t afford her in the near future as you make less than now before. Also you don’t trust her can be with you with less money and afraid to work in K again (I have followed your story since your first post months ago, so I know all about your story). But ask your self, if you feel happy when being with her, other things are not important. Like me, I know my MM is materialism and told lie, but as long as I don’t have the true evident, I still can’t say anything. And I still feel happy to give her what she wants as long as I can handle it as I want to see her happy face. wwkin216 just follow your feeling, you might feel tried to get the money to her, you might feel tired to travel back and forward from HK to Shenzhen, but ask yourself, can you bare the emptiness and sadness when one day when you don’t see her anymore? Love and Money, which one more important for you? I think you have to answer in your mind, and I think your answer is Love.

Good luck man!

原帖由 wwkin216 於 2010-1-21 11:15 PM 發表 查看引用來源

sorry喎大學生, 唔係所有大陸人都係甘喎, 起碼我老婆一家都唔係:smile_o10: , 如果你真係估或知道大陸人係甘, 甘你一開始個時就一定已經預左要甘, 同絕對唔會係呢刻先拎出黎呻

原帖由 haecohaeco 於 2010-1-29 10:24 發表 查看引用來源
(你係haeco佬??我之前都係:smile_o10: )
