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原帖由 9234 於 2010-1-19 12:35 AM 發表 查看引用來源


原帖由 Raytracing 於 2010-1-19 03:00 AM 發表

Well.... I totally disagree with your viewpoint. If it is just based on your principle, then every married man/woman can find the other person for it even after marriage?? If you really love the g ...
You're so funny, you turn love into a moral lesson and theory.  
Is it that simple?  Can people live by logic and principles alone?  We are emotional creatures with flesh and blood.  but more importantly, "all human were born selfish" -- Thomas hobbes. :p

I was actually quite touched after I read this post... I am going through the same thing, as "the other girl" (I actually wrote to the poster for advice.  naturally he did not disappoint me). Even in my position, I can't ask the man i love to leave his wife even though I'm sure he feels strongly for me.  I can't even wish/hope for it.  How can I?  It's not fair to her...  it's not fair to him... and it's not like he doesn't love her.  they built a family together, it's not just a matter between 2-3 people.  It's just not so simple... and I can only imagine it's infinitely tougher at his position to make a decision, or not make a decision and live with the guilt of betrayal while loving two women.

原帖由 Seductive 於 17-1-2010 23:42 發表

其實有咩話邊過抅邊個? 一段感情時空交錯咁出現, 有時真係好刻骨銘心......未經歷過, 外人只當故事一則咁去睇, 2個相愛既人唔可以係埋一齊, 其實係一件極之痛苦既事, 外人, 又感受到幾多:smile ...

totally agree with Raytracing!!  We are very smart in creating excuses to ourselves in betraying another half.  People now are too well educated and able to create rationals to rationalise their mistakes.  ' I cannot stop loving you"  "all human were born selfish" "It's just not so simple".....these are all excuses.

think about what did you tell your wife when you proposed!!!  really sad to read over here that not so many people really committed to marriage.

if you are single,  have fun!!

原帖由 Nelsonboy 於 2010-1-19 09:01 AM 發表
totally agree with Raytracing!!  We are very smart in creating excuses to ourselves in betraying another half.  People now are too well educated and able to create rationals to rationalise their mista ...
i'll just quote the girl 3 posts above me " 真的,只有經歷過,才會明白!"

i don't think anyone willingly paint themselves into these kinds of triangular relationship where 3 parties put emotions in.   it's painful for everyone in it even the seemingly happy times and the "beneficiary".

the wife obviously will be hurt and disappointed and betrayed.
the husband is torn between the two women and the guilt of betrayal when he gets home and sees his wife.  and feels painful at not being able to offer the other girl a better situation
the other woman gets devastated that the man she loves is married and she can't wish for a future.  (or if she is more selfish, i guess she can wish and ask, but she gets more devastated that he never makes a decision and their divorce never materialize.  and she feels so alone whenever he leaves because he isn't truly "hers")

原帖由 Nelsonboy 於 19-1-2010 09:01 發表
totally agree with Raytracing!!  We are very smart in creating excuses to ourselves in betraying another half.  People now are too well educated and able to create rationals to rationalise their mista .
sorry  i'm single .i don't need to say any excuse have fun

原帖由 blue_rosey 於 19-1-2010 09:47 AM 發表 查看引用來源

i'll just quote the girl 3 posts above me " 真的,只有經歷過,才會明白!"

i don't think anyone willingly paint themselves into these kinds of triangular relationship where 3 parties put emoti ...

It was totally refer to " 真的,只有經歷過,才會明白!"

原帖由 9234 於 19-1-2010 01:05 AM 發表 查看引用來源

我亦試過把這往事寫出來, 舒口氣(因為積壓心中大久, 恐防 che sin);
並告訴自己 - 漫長假期已完結, 既然冇本事輟學, 就要繼續上學!
Sad but True~

原帖由 Raytracing 於 2010-1-19 03:00 AM 發表 查看引用來源

Well.... I totally disagree with your viewpoint. If it is just based on your principle, then every married man/woman can find the other person for it even after marriage?? If you really love the g ...
divoice ? do u think this is a simple things ?? do u know need to consider many many things ??????????

原帖由 nipnipinmymind 於 2010-1-19 11:20 AM 發表 查看引用來源

我亦試過把這往事寫出來, 舒口氣(因為積壓心中大久, 恐防 che sin);
並告訴自己 - 漫長假期已完結 ...
上黎呢度, 大家互不相識, 寫d野, 舒發吓......都唔錯既
