
Sexual Hypnosis (Updated #12, #29 with instructions)

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原帖由 blue_rosey 於 2009-8-25 08:34 PM 發表 查看引用來源

haha. was very wet. :smile_o05:
i don't know if it's "fun", i think it's more fun for some people, but probably interesting to try at least once or twice, especially if you're couples who activel ...

I'm going to continue like I said i would.  If you want to try performing sexual hypnosis on your partner, please read this post (especially the last bit of it carefully)

After that, I made an attempt to hypnotize K back.  Notice that he gave me no instruction whatsoever in doing this, I just attempt to recreate the experience from the receiving end.  
(this conversation continues from the above)
me: stop reading my mind!
K: No, it's my mind!
me: *trying to be serious, held out her fingers and pick up an imaginable nothing from his forehead* I'm taking out a piece of your thought, and your mind, belongs to me...
K:  That's ridiculous, you think you can hypnotize me?
me: Well, can I try?
K: Sure.  Give it a go.
me: *Suddenly didn't know what to say or do* ......
K: You've had experience and you know the key elements to it, just try.  The first time I hypnotize my hypnotherapist, I went with not knowing anything but with 100% believe that I could do it.  Just believe.
me: Close your eyes.
[[K closes his eyes]]
For about 5-10 minutes, i wasn't saying anything, I just gave K a full body massage to relax himself.  (honestly, I just didn't really know what to do)
K: Start saying something.
I wasn't very sure what to say, but I recall from my experience of being hypnotized, I have to say things or give him an image to relax his mind, each time, trying ot pull him deeper.  So I start.
me: You feel yourself floating up in the air, feeling really free, relax... you spread your whole body, and relax yourself one joint at a time, yes... that's it.
me:  You feel sooooo... relax now. so,so...sooooo... relax.
[[ I wasn't very sure how to proceed from here, but I recall K made me picture some form of energy... ]]
me:  You see that light over there coming to you... it's slowly entering you through here *points to the forehead*... and it travels down to your body... it feels warm and nice...
[[ something weird's happening, K's eyelid started jumping]]
me: you feel that energy travelling in your body, through your arms *smooth his arms* and your torso *tracing a line down his torso*  and then lower... *slightly touching his penis
[[ whoaa! he's so hard. ><"  but i didn't want to give him any sensual stimulation, so my hand traced along it for 1 second and left]]
me: You feel that energy glowing inside you, getting warmer and hotter... so hot.. .but it feels so good... sooo... good...
me: You're feeling so good, and you want to let that energy out... let it out of you... push it out...
me: harder.. you push harder and faster...
me: yes, like that..
[[ Actually he wasn't giving me any reaction for about 15-20 minutes, and I lost direction at how to proceed from here. ]]
me: You want to let it go... when I count to 3, you're going to open your eyes... 3...2, 1. *clap*

me: So, how was it?
K: It was good. I was really feeling it.
me: But...?
K: But there were points when you lost me, like when you tell me to "push", that wasn't the image I was having... You should pay attention to what words are more effective
K: You probably noticed my eyes were jumping behind my eyelids earlier.  (I nodded.)  That's when my mind is imagining and when it's most effective, you should had continue using the words you gave me here.  You should look up Neuro Linguistic Programming when you have the chance.  
K: You could had try to get me to give you more reaction too, like replying with certain words, or lifting an arm, or something... (I didn't know I could do that).
K: You just need more practice to get better at this.  

So summary of the lesson if you want to try on your partner:
Basically hypnosis is when you put the object of hypnosis in between her consciousness and subconsciousness.  It's when you attempt to register certain feelings to her subconscious with certain words, or movement that you give him/her.  The examples given here were trying to get your partner to climax, but it can be anything, make her feel happy, or whatever.  Here's the procedure from what I gather...
1.  Doesn't matter what you want him/her to do, sexual or not, you want him/her to be really relax, have him/her imagine something progressively, walking deep into a forest, or visualizing an elevator slowly going down... and have her relax more as he/she gets further...
2.  Make simple command like telling her to lift an arm, or something to see whether she's following... you want her to be inbetween her conscious stage and her subconscious stage.
3. Have her picture images... pay attention to words that will get a reaction from her.  Play with different words, the pacing and the tone.  (usually the deeper the tone is more effective and suggestive to me)
4.  Suggest what you want her to do, if you want her to have an orgasm, whisper it to her... but remember, you have to lead her there, it wouldn't happen suddenly, so allow her to visualize something that will get her excited.  If penetration gets her off, suggest something is penetrating her... and go from there.  If it doesn't work, try something else.  
**Remember, hypnosis only works when your partner is willing to cooperate and follow commands... you cannot make him/her do something he/she does nto want to. EG: You can't make a random girl sleep with you if she doesn't like you, for example. **

Try it, let me know how it goes. :smile_o13:

[ 本帖最後由 blue_rosey 於 2009-8-26 09:19 PM 編輯 ]

嘩~~~咁多雞腸....去左明珠台啊:smile_27: :smile_27: :smile_30:

原帖由 hk90314517 於 2009-8-26 09:25 AM 發表

next time i come to hk, let me try it on you. :smile_o05:

thank you!! nice share

Rosey, tell us more about it and your experience.  Thanks

原帖由 gunfan 於 2009-8-26 12:38 PM 發表
Rosey, tell us more about it and your experience.  Thanks
what do you wnat to know?

actuallly, its like which people play phone sex for getting delight by imagination.i d not tried this b4, so i dont know what that feel is. However, i ve tried to cover my gf's eyes and asked her to imagine that she was being raped by strange. she got all wet and had a wounderful moan through the bedroom!~

原帖由 blue_rosey 於 2009-8-25 04:56 PM 發表 查看引用來源
I started seeing this SP for the last month who always have something new to introduce into the bed; most of it involves some sort of power-relationship... but those aren't very interesting, i want to ...

原帖由 blue_rosey 於 2009-8-26 11:37 AM 發表 查看引用來源
I'm going to continue like I said i would.  If you want to try performing sexual hypnosis on your partner, please read this post (especially the last bit of it carefully)

After that, I made an att ...
i'm a little confused about how this works ar....
