
Frm Aus n looking 4 friends (A place 4 Gd Morning/Afternoon/Night Reminder) HaHa

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原帖由 cargame 於 2009-8-1 09:45 AM 發表 查看引用來源

My signature, kind of...  registration number is sth related to me:smile_o05:
Not celebration, juz sometimes gals hv to treat the other half better so to keeping the guys treating us the best
嘩, 好型好靚仔喎:smile_40:
哈, 咁唔算老嘛:smile_45:
例如會做d乜呢, 不如分享下丫...

原帖由 cargame 於 2009-8-1 09:46 AM 發表 查看引用來源

badminton is one of my favourite sports too, though, did not play for long.......................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
u don't hv to go alone, if u ask, many guys with go and protect u ...
我都係間中玩下咋.....唔叻架, 當郁下之嘛.....
遲d我都book左場, 可以一齊玩下架

試過問, 冇人陪丫....haha.....

原帖由 Inliz 於 2009-8-1 09:51 AM 發表 查看引用來源

嘩, 好型好靚仔喎:smile_40:
哈, 咁唔算老嘛:smile_45:
例如會做d乜呢, 不如分享下丫...
if u r talking about daily life, 咁都係接收工, 買得意小禮物, 講d白痴野引下佢笑, massage
if it's really sth need to celebration, then it's gonna be a big plan, 上天下海 hahhaaa
如果係哄另一伴, 我識一d人真係高手

[ 本帖最後由 cargame 於 2009-8-1 09:59 AM 編輯 ]

原帖由 Inliz 於 2009-8-1 09:53 AM 發表 查看引用來源

我都係間中玩下咋.....唔叻架, 當郁下之嘛.....
遲d我都book左場, 可以一齊玩下架

試過問, 冇人陪丫....haha.....
but i also want to know where we can see firefly in hk?

原帖由 cargame 於 2009-8-1 09:58 AM 發表 查看引用來源

but i also want to know where we can see firefly in hk?
睇過人介紹就係大埔看囉, 不過我未去過, 唔敢說係咪真係睇到

原帖由 cargame 於 2009-8-1 09:57 AM 發表 查看引用來源

if u r talking about daily life, 咁都係接收工, 買得意小禮物, 講d白痴野引下佢笑, massage
if it's really sth need to celebration, then it's gonna be a big plan, 上天下海 hahhaaa
如果係哄另一伴, 我 ...
上天下海咁厲害:smile_14: :smile_30:

如果感情正常, 又真係做少少野都會覺得開心既

有d人真係好有心思, 隨時都諗到好多野乙水人架....

原帖由 Inliz 於 2009-8-1 10:03 AM 發表 查看引用來源

睇過人介紹就係大埔看囉, 不過我未去過, 唔敢說係咪真係睇到
大埔.... possible.... place with flowers and trees
i went there 2 days be4, and when i back home, i found a spider inside my car, many insects
for firefly, if i could see it with a distant, i think that would be nice, but not touching it anyway

原帖由 Inliz 於 2009-8-1 10:06 AM 發表 查看引用來源

上天下海咁厲害:smile_14: :smile_30:

如果感情正常, 又真係做少少野都會覺得開心既

有d人真係好有心思, 隨時都諗到好多野乙水人架....
上天.... if in hk, take a helicopter trip over victoria harbour
if take a flight, then it should be going to somewhere else for a leisure trip, and i like travel alot

下海.... then it could be beaches.... but unfortunately, hk doesn't hv a nice beach
use the sands to draw picture

原帖由 cargame 於 2009-8-1 10:08 AM 發表 查看引用來源

大埔.... possible.... place with flowers and trees
i went there 2 days be4, and when i back home, i found a spider inside my car, many insects
for firefly, if i could see it with a distant, i th ...
咁恐怖? 你又驚唔驚昆蟲?
螢火蟲就應該唔會好近距離接觸到, 係驚入夜, 其他昆蟲會飛埋黎囉:smile_42:

原帖由 cargame 於 2009-8-1 10:14 AM 發表 查看引用來源

上天.... if in hk, take a helicopter trip over victoria harbour
if take a flight, then it should be going to somewhere else for a leisure trip, and i like travel alot

下海.... th ...
fly in sky is expensive and need much money to support....:smile_30:

I want to try diving, but not yet know swimming...:smile_13:
