I am not a girl !!!
原帖由 futfuk 於 2009-7-28 04:15 PM 發表 never heard of.......... but why?
原帖由 chefung 於 2009-7-28 04:08 PM 發表 Sofa = 1st post rather than the host 板凳 = 2nd post 地板/地"席" = 3rd
原帖由 futfuk 於 2009-7-28 04:15 PM 發表 at the end of the day, it's a zero-sum game.
原帖由 chefung 於 2009-7-28 04:11 PM 發表 It's similar or unlike 駝背?
原帖由 mugen-purin 於 2009-7-28 04:16 PM 發表 something like期貨?:smile_41:
原帖由 futfuk 於 2009-7-28 04:13 PM 發表 i can handle. as long as i'm entertained. i usually dont sleep the day before, prior getting on a long d plane ride
原帖由 mugen-purin 於 2009-7-28 04:18 PM 發表 行背?:smile_41: :smile_41:
原帖由 futfuk 於 2009-7-28 04:03 PM 發表 $680 cdn return all in ~= $5000 hkd??? but this is UA, non-direct but still... unprecedented price
原帖由 wannabe 於 2009-7-28 04:19 PM 發表 oops ... mine is like $850 - $1000 (max) aud return, QF, direct $1 aud = $6 hkd (not sure?!)
原帖由 clotinc 於 2009-7-28 04:14 PM 發表 wowww.....didn't know micmic r one of those naked runners.......:smile_47: