原帖由 chefung 於 2009-7-27 11:01 AM 發表 Come on I was so innocent I was not involved too much yesterday VK just blamed me somehow I just said " you two should not just blow water with each other while the host was there , and chat ...
I am not a girl !!!
原帖由 lovevk 於 2009-7-27 11:08 AM 發表 句號左啦, 到底你明唔明發生緊咩事
原帖由 chefung 於 2009-7-27 11:00 AM 發表 Bebe is called May Lee
原帖由 lovevk 於 2009-7-27 11:02 AM 發表 你咁答, 到我唔識答你添:smile_27: :smile_27:
原帖由 wannabe 於 2009-7-27 11:08 AM 發表 oh how do you know? keep it low between you and me, ok?
原帖由 chefung 於 2009-7-27 11:09 AM 發表 I know what happened But I don't understand why you said "I shrimp you"
原帖由 mugen-purin 於 2009-7-27 11:10 AM 發表 美麗?
原帖由 lovevk 於 2009-7-27 11:11 AM 發表 我加多左句, 你番轉頭睇下