原帖由 DonJuan111 於 2009-7-22 04:42 PM 發表 What did I said before???
原帖由 wannabe 於 2009-7-22 04:36 PM 發表 fine ... then how should we call those "kid models" if you reckon modelling is not their occupation?
原帖由 mugen-purin 於 2009-7-22 04:38 PM 發表 there is an assoication of 白兵, the costume is so expensive i had took a pic with them:smile_30:
I am not a girl !!!
原帖由 ccmhkg 於 2009-7-22 04:40 PM 發表 You mean Kidult is tram?
原帖由 chefung 於 2009-7-22 09:34 AM 發表 祝好運 你人工應該不錯 不過有時候有些男生自尊心接受不到自己女朋友/老婆賺錢多過自己
原帖由 ccmhkg 於 2009-7-22 04:43 PM 發表 not for me but my frd did....I said he just like paying the monthly installment of the mortgage for those 聖衣神話 figure :smile_27:
原帖由 ccmhkg 於 2009-7-22 04:47 PM 發表 I can accept that ----> more $ to spend, eat soft rice is good
原帖由 clotinc 於 2009-7-22 04:47 PM 發表 well......i did collect them too......from the 1st one to the latest one......n it seems never end.......its just a black hole.......