原帖由 qookaty 於 2009-7-20 12:00 AM 發表 yup~~~I also met some fd ~~most of strange ppl~~ so now I cant meet good fds here~~
原帖由 qookaty 於 2009-7-20 00:14 發表 haha~~thx wo~~~
原帖由 PiggyBanque 於 2009-7-20 00:17 發表 Actually I don't know what that icon is :p, I like the blue color I am optimistic person, not easy 唔開心 :smile_o01:
原帖由 靈慾緊扣 於 2009-7-20 12:11 AM 發表 :smile_o10: 咁睇下你夠唔夠誠意啊~
原帖由 PiggyBanque 於 2009-7-20 12:19 AM 發表 My family don't eat eggs inside except father eats a bit Many families they only eat the eggs!!!!
原帖由 nano7 於 2009-7-20 12:20 AM 發表 haha, i hope i can be one of ur fd then ^^
原帖由 靈慾緊扣 於 2009-7-20 12:20 AM 發表 :smile_o12: 咁就岩啦~
原帖由 PiggyBanque 於 2009-7-20 00:22 發表 I got my 50 marks within a week, enough誠意? Nah...... just make one more friend jar ma, not necessary need to be very close relationship All bf/gf relationship starts with a simple relation ...
原帖由 qookaty 於 2009-7-20 00:23 發表 haha~~~future may have la~~
原帖由 靈慾緊扣 於 2009-7-20 12:26 AM 發表 :smile_o10: 唔好問我... 我只係入黎呃水吹嫁咋~ :smile_o13: 今晚妳好忙啦... 呵呵呵~
原帖由 qookaty 於 2009-7-20 00:28 發表 haha~~今日唔會太夜啦~~ 聽日返工啦~
原帖由 靈慾緊扣 於 2009-7-20 12:30 AM 發表 :smile_o12: 我都係玩多一陣啦~ 唔係聽日返工超眼訓~