原帖由 chefung 於 2009-7-10 01:20 AM 發表 Instead of interview list, I will be in their blacklist =.=
I am not a girl !!!
原帖由 iris_yan 於 2009-7-10 01:19 AM 發表 me:smile_o06: actually i dun know wht topic is talking...:smile_o05:
原帖由 mikan85 於 2009-7-10 01:21 AM 發表 thatz not a bad feat...iz an accomplishment..:smile_o06:
原帖由 mikan85 於 2009-7-10 01:18 AM 發表 cuz it was so funny...clottie was so smart..:smile_o06: iz oki..if u dunwnt to shower with clottie, u can shower with me.........................lon soap..:smile_o01:
原帖由 iris_yan 於 2009-7-10 01:24 AM 發表 :smile_o03: i can shower by myself:smile_o13:
原帖由 mugen-purin 於 2009-7-10 01:21 AM 發表 u hv your own party on sunday la:smile_30:
原帖由 chefung 於 2009-7-10 01:21 AM 發表 You are not alone Cherry doesn't know what they are talking about
原帖由 iris_yan 於 2009-7-10 01:26 AM 發表 :smile_o03: only 20 ppl:smile_o03: and $500 for buy drink....food.... so...the ans is.....SHXT:smile_o03:
原帖由 chefung 於 2009-7-10 01:22 AM 發表 LOL I will do this after I got my job Then still keep sending our application with cherries photo let me get a job first :smile_o05: