原帖由 milo99 於 2009-6-16 07:02 PM 發表 hahaha, well if they have not tried before, i will suggest la but usually don't really need to teach them wor, they will already be so excited to fuck a girl's ass that they just tried so hard ...
原帖由 fireman.2000 於 2009-6-17 05:30 PM 發表 對一D 想內射既人, 肛交係對方都 好HIGH .... :smile_04: :smile_04:
原帖由 alex98015 於 2009-6-19 03:59 AM 發表 我呢~~~有一次睇完你地D POST諗住試肛交~~~但唔知用咩方法可以洗乾淨入面~~ 同埋~我女友第一次俾我插入去個陣話勁痛~~有無方法可以無咁痛~~~~