原帖由 Inliz 於 2009-5-27 11:33 AM 發表 我都算識你架:smile_38: :smile_30:
原帖由 jackcool0412 於 2009-5-27 11:45 AM 發表 up set!! my fd just talked to me she was sex harassed on public transport ,,, damn it , i am really angry with that , do not know what the animal thinking about
原帖由 jackcool0412 於 2009-5-27 11:42 AM 發表 玩我:smile_47:
原帖由 Inliz 於 2009-5-27 11:48 AM 發表 下? 咁有冇捉字佢:smile_41:
原帖由 jackcool0412 於 2009-5-27 11:52 AM 發表 it apologized after that , and my fd who did know how react.... teh animal will pay de price .....ASShxxle
原帖由 Inliz 於 2009-5-27 11:58 AM 發表 係咪係地鐵丫?? 有時太迫, d人會乘機......
原帖由 jackcool0412 於 2009-5-27 11:59 AM 發表 my fd who s really really up set , and she think that was her fault!!
原帖由 Inliz 於 2009-5-27 12:04 PM 發表 點解係佢錯?? 你安慰下佢啦.... 個個女仔遇到呢d情況都係會好驚, 唔識反應係正常既.....叫佢唔好太怪自己啦....