
肛交好處 (finally updated! - p.37 #545)

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原帖由 HappyFinder 於 2009-5-25 09:50 AM 發表 查看引用來源
不過我有個疑問, 就係你地女仔成日進行肛交, 唔怕做得多之後會括約肌鬆弛, 引致失禁咩? 到時就真係大件事啦
原帖由 jumboleung 於 2009-5-25 11:25 AM 發表 查看引用來源




will not 失禁 no matter how much i do it

to be honest, i have anal sex A LOT ... sometimes DIY too ... because i really like it, so from personal experience, i know will not 失禁, if i do, i will never have anal sex ga!

原帖由 wildfire01 於 2009-5-25 10:26 AM 發表 查看引用來源
我本身都係好中意肛交。我好高興看到這裡有Milo、BCM 和 田心等少數喜歡肛交而又敢公開承認的女仔。真係好難得。我係男人,所以無論我點講肛交有幾high,如做得對,係絕對安全又冇失禁等等,係冇人會信我的。但係由妳 ...
thanks for you support!! almost makes me want to cry!! hehe

actually, makes me want to let you fuck my ass!! hahaha

原帖由 niki_ice_fire 於 2009-5-25 05:31 PM 發表 查看引用來源

me too ar, when i have anal sex, i will 叫得好勢利 too ... it feels like i'm so full, like my inside is getting pushed together, and when the guy fucks my ass really really fast, the opening is already wide open, and will not hurt at all, and only my inside will feel good!!

原帖由 niki_ice_fire 於 2009-5-25 05:59 PM 發表 查看引用來源

i think he means cum in pussy will be 危險, so i like to have anal sex and have the guy cum in my ass so will not 危險 lor!

原帖由 milo99 於 2009-5-26 09:12 AM 發表 查看引用來源

will not 失禁 no matter how much i do it

to be honest, i have anal sex A LOT ... sometimes DIY too ... because i really like it, so from personal experience, i know will not 失禁, if i do,  ...
maybe sooner or later.

原帖由 田心田心 於 2009-5-25 01:49 PM 發表 查看引用來源

其實我唔係話好熱衷肛交呢樣野,只係bf有咁嘅要求,而自己又不嬲都唔覺得係咩咁特別一件事,只係另一種造愛嘅方式,同bf試過又冇問題,大家都可以從中獲得滿足,不過我覺得男方一定要溫柔,慢慢嚟,唔 ...
hi 田心! 妳好呀!  謝謝妳的回覆。原來妳唔係咁熱衷肛交呢樣野㗎? 我睇妳d post 話enjoy肛交,我仲以為妳都係肛交fans。我絕對同意妳所講的男方一定要溫柔、慢和有好耐性。我通常都會好慢好慢咁入我女人後面,慢到好似冇郁咁,好似只係配合佢慢慢套入來果時一吓一吓咁續少續少入,入dd又停一陣,通常都要5-10分鍾先入晒最難入果part - JJ 頭,過咗這一關都冇v就OK。由於入得好慢,佢試過我入晒之後佢都唔知原來我已經入咗咁深,到玩完之後,拉返出來果時才feel 到入咗咁深,要拉咁長先拉晒出來。除咗唔使女方有痛楚之外,開頭插入果時包得好緊既feel係好正的,所以一定要好慢咁入去feel佢每一吋,慢慢咁enjoy。

妳所講的肛交時的感受講得好好,特別係對我想了解多些女性在肛交時的感受從而改進我的肛交技巧非常有幫助, 謝謝妳! 雖然每個女人的feeling和快感程度都一定有差別,不過我估大致上應該都差不多。其實肛門和直腸內的神經末端比陰道內甚致陰核的分佈得更密感覺更敏感,與整個陰部的性敏感神經亦係互相關連,再加上肛門刮約肌比陰道的肌肉有更强的收縮力來增加充實感,如果男方插入時不使女方有痛楚,等女方適應咗和放鬆咗之後,由慢到快,配合適當的抽插速度、力度、深度和角度變化,再加同時剌激陰核,係可以使女方有好强而又有別於一般陰道性交的快感和高潮,有時甚至間接壓迫到陰道內的G點位產生高潮(需要插入角度配合)。

[ 本帖最後由 wildfire01 於 2009-5-26 11:21 AM 編輯 ]



原帖由 milo99 於 2009-5-26 09:13 AM 發表 查看引用來源

thanks for you support!! almost makes me want to cry!! hehe

actually, makes me want to let you fuck my ass!! hahaha
Hi Milo, You are welcome. Thanks for your reply and your very seductive compliment ("makes me want to let you fuck my ass"...oh my god...this magic words make me hard at once when I read it.....mmm...I also want to fuck your ass hard and rough until you beg me to cum in your ass. Then I can see how my hot cum is dripping out from your sexy gaping asshole...so high so intense).  I am so happy that you open this great post and express your passion for anal sex.  Anal sex is still a taboo (even in western countries, not to mention HK), so it is not easy specially for a girl to admit that she loves it and talk about it in a public forum.   I love anal sex very very much.  I have been studying about this art of sex since I regonized that I got turn on whenever I read or watched anything about heterosexual anal sex when I was a teenager.  At that time, I havent tried anal sex before, I didnt know why I liked it so much.  I just love it from my heart.  Eventually, I follow my heart to keep doing research on this taboo subject to get well prepared for the day I can introduce it to my girl and hopefully I can actually do it with her in future.  You (and BCM as well) really catch my eyes when I read your 1st post in this forum talking about how you enjoy anal sex from a female's point of view.  That is awesome.  Honesty, I really get turn on by a girl who also loves anal sex.  When you said you like having anal sex a lot and you DIY with your solo anal play, most importantly, you said you also enjoy rough anal sex, I know I find my audient with the same channel.  That is so great.    If your bf or hubby in future also like anal sex as much as I do, he will be the luckiest guy in the world.

原帖由 milo99 於 2009-5-26 09:16 AM 發表 查看引用來源

i think he means cum in pussy will be 危險, so i like to have anal sex and have the guy cum in my ass so will not 危險 lor!
O~I know~!!! thank you your explain~
