
Street sweepers looking for 18+ street snacks (pt. 90)

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原帖由 mikan85 於 2009-5-17 05:21 PM 發表

this iz like eating spicy stuff..rite? u either can eat spicy stuff, or u cant..i tried training myself to eat spicy stuff..but still couldnt..:smile_27:
o...lez get started with strip poker as  ...
spicy, eh? you have to ask chef ... he can really eat spicy food and might be able to share his crazy eating habit with you:smile_42:
by the way, just wanna let you know ... sweetie, you are always hot and spicy in my mind

cool! stip poker as a starter, rock n roll as an entree and how about dessert and supper? :smile_47:

原帖由 mikan85 於 2009-5-17 05:23 PM 發表

cherry iz too busy toying with his chicken gut, n clottie iz too busy heding up north..:smile_39: :smile_39:
i thought clotti was back yesterday, no?
was talking to her this early morning like 4ish am
you can give her a buzz if you are in urgent need of her body and company

cherry? :smile_39:
not to mention her ... this chick is just hard to deal with ... i almost give up

原帖由 mikan85 於 2009-5-17 05:23 PM 發表

i can suck something else?:smile_46:
really? are you a fetish of sth? like toes?

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-5-17 05:57 PM 發表

You are talking about HKCEE?
HKCEE materials are okay easy and maybe hardworking contributes a lot in their grades.
My ex roommate always say everyone can get 10A if one work hards (although I don't agree with ) but somehow portrait the difficulty ofHKCEE.

To me, in HKCEE, although my data points are 5 girls, are fairly good but not really outstanding in science subjects.
yes ... i menat CE :smile_35:
you know i chickened out that crappy education system a bit later

what i can say? you and your room-mate were smart ... to me CE was hard and nearly killed me and if you take me to compare with you guys, yes and i'm not worthy
but since you were asking for MY EXPERIENCE then i told you what i observed which was girls in my school out-performed boys in public exams that's all!
For AYP, the evidence you can complete that doesn't mean girls are notless comparable than guys in physical strength. What you can say girlscan have fair physical abilities which doesn't match to my argument.

If we want to have complete men-women equality, why do we have toseparate all sports into men/women in competition. We can just have100m ( no gender difference and compete together? ) Then i can justshow the physical ability difference. Consider the muscle/fat/body massratio, number answers well.

LOL, I got the bronze badge of AYP when I was in F.6 and it's prettyeasy honestly =.=. And I know some girls got the gold badge doesn'tmean they are physically better than guys right?  
you are somewhat taking the topic to the extreme again =.=
fine and yes if WELL-TRAINED boys and girls compete against each other in a race, girls have less chance to win over boys
but for ordinary people like you and me, girls are about on a par with boys in all aspects :smile_34:

i got my gold too :smile_40:
the girls you know must be tough ...
by the way if you ever have chance to do what i did in that bloody progam, i'm sure you would swallow your words
in that expedition section (not to mention others like physical recreaton and service), i went on not less than 60 hrs hiking and camping  ... my footprints had been on every hill and island in HK ... i still remembered my backpack was nearly half of my body mass cause i needed to prepare stuff for at least 5 days per trip ... and don't forget i had to follow my teammates' speed who were all boys at the time ... to be honest i struggled and the boys did help me through alot all the way ... but the main point is i finished it in the end
For the intelligence form, oh well, it all bases on evolution. If youthink about which makes you survive the most for different gender orso, you can make up an argument of it. It's too long and but you wantto listen, i can write it down here.

I am going to run again now, later
don't you feel tired / sick of writing essay and/or thesis paper by now? :smile_27:
i can't really stop you posting here, can i?
please keep it short though and i would read it through with my dinner

原帖由 wannabe 於 2009-5-17 06:55 PM 發表 查看引用來源

spicy, eh? you have to ask chef ... he can really eat spicy food and might be able to share his crazy eating habit with you:smile_42:
by the way, just wanna let you know ... sweetie, you are alwa ...
no need...i gave up on eating spicy...dun wnt to do anything datz gonna make me sweat anymore...:smile_42:
aww...dear bee~ :smile_40: iz alwayz wet n juicy on my mind..
how abt raw abalone for supper? n melted cherries n starwberries fo dessert?:smile_47:

原帖由 wannabe 於 2009-5-17 06:56 PM 發表 查看引用來源

i thought clotti was back yesterday, no?
was talking to her this early morning like 4ish am
you can give her a buzz if you are in urgent need of her body and company

cherry? :smile_39:
i was sleeping by 4am..didnt catch her..:smile_42:
no...i just need to make an appointment with him in August..need to reserve a bangbus for the arrival of bee~:smile_47: :smile_46:

yea..that chicken chick..o..well..a chicken iz born to be a chicken..cant turn her into a tiger...genetically cant..

原帖由 wannabe 於 2009-5-17 06:57 PM 發表 查看引用來源

really? are you a fetish of sth? like toes?
we can start with toes n gradually move our way up..:smile_47:

原帖由 mikan85 於 2009-5-17 07:26 PM 發表

no need...i gave up on eating spicy...dun wnt to do anything datz gonna make me sweat anymore...:smile_42:
aww...dear bee~ :smile_40: iz alwayz wet n juicy on my mind..
how abt raw abalone fo ...
you sure? :smile_46:
i thought you like to play hot and wet games with me, no?

nah i tend to eat less after the main course so i prefer salad for supper
and banana split for dessert

原帖由 wannabe 於 2009-5-17 07:32 PM 發表 查看引用來源
you sure? :smile_46:
i thought you like to play hot and wet games with me, no?

nah i tend to eat less after the main course so i prefer salad for supper
and banana split for dessert
o..i would sweat just for my dear bee~:smile_40: ...now come mske me wet with games..
o..anything u like....the salad sounds great..:smile_47: ..but who's banana r we splitting? :smile_14: chef's? :smile_47:

原帖由 mikan85 於 2009-5-17 07:28 PM 發表

i was sleeping by 4am..didnt catch her..:smile_42:
no...i just need to make an appointment with him in August..need to reserve a bangbus for the arrival of bee~:smile_47: :smile_46:  
awww ... waiting for me
it's still 3 mths away and in the meantime please hop on that bus and bang with others like clotti, mm, kitty, leona etc :smile_47:
get yourself well-trained before we meet
yea..that chicken chick..o..well..a chicken iz born to be a chicken..cant turn her into a tiger...genetically cant..
don't be too mean ... even if this is just the fact
