
Street sweepers looking for 18+ street snacks (pt. 90)

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原帖由 wannabe 於 2009-5-17 03:19 PM 發表 查看引用來源
done reading ... but the report was like a decade ago :smile_27:

so i bet the number of female professionals should be getting closer to the opposite sex's now
and i think that paper pointed out  ...
One step back.
Before professor = PhD student ( less family issue kicking in here )
In my class, 23 students enrolled and only 2 are girls ( 1 is very smart though, very very, a string theorist ).
10% are girls.

It is improved now but probably 25%

Assuming they ( male and female ) will pursue faculty as their career goal
The ratio will probably be 25%

In math, it's even worse...10% even the latest year. ( 1 out of total 10 students)

I agree the family life takes a big role and oh well, to be honest
From your personal experience (HS/College), guys or girls, who are better in Science/Math?

For my college in HK, the top 10 students are all male.
For my college in US, the tops of the top are male.

[ 本帖最後由 chefung 於 2009-5-17 03:27 PM 編輯 ]

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-5-17 03:21 PM 發表

One step back.
Before professor = PhD student
In my class, 23 students enrolled and only 2 are girls ( 1 is very smart though, very very, a string theorist ).
10% are girls.

It is improv ...
why i smell sth like you are whining there are not many chicks in sci/eng field?

anyway like what you said, the portion is increasing from 10 to 20 in your faculty
it might take a bit more time for maths ... but it will get there one day

Rather than CIT

Here is the report from MIT

10 years ago too

原帖由 wannabe 於 2009-5-17 03:28 PM 發表 查看引用來源

why i smell sth like you are whining there are not many chicks in sci/eng field?

anyway like what you said, the portion is increasing from 10 to 20 in your faculty
it might take a bit mo ...
LOL I guess in my whole life, I met less than 20 girls in real life including classmates ( 5 girls in HK college and 1 girl in US college = 7 ). Some random girls, other HK students in US, etc, lol add up 20

The 10% to 20% i want to point out that, only a small portion of girls will turn into theorists
Most of them will be experimentalist.
This is a huge factor which contributes into the argument.

[ 本帖最後由 chefung 於 2009-5-17 03:34 PM 編輯 ]

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-5-17 03:21 PM 發表

I agree the family life takes a big role and oh well, to be honest
From your personal experience (HS/College), guys or girls, who are better in Science/Math?

For my college in HK, the top 10 students are all male.
For my college in US, the tops of the top are male.
in HS, no difference
in college (i get confused whenever you use this term ... don't you know the difference between a college and university? ), i say boys because there are not many girls in science / enginering fields (i.e. no way to compare between two sexes) ... cause most of the girls choose business or art as major in uni

原帖由 wannabe 於 2009-5-17 03:36 PM 發表 查看引用來源

in HS, no difference
in college (i get confused whenever you use this term ... don't you know the difference between a college and university? ), i say boys because there are not many girls i ...
university = college in US, american english, sorry XD

Have you thought about why not many girls choosing sci/engineering?

Sorry, no offense but I have to exaggerate a bit
Will you pick a major you really suck at?
Will you have fun on something you are not good at?

Talent <-> Success <-> Satisfactory are closely related. ( Hardworking here is omitted )

Doesn't the number of enrollment reflect/imply the difference of ability?

Do you think guys are stronger than girls physically?
If so. why do you think so? You have any evidence supporting?
From your life experience? Why so?

Maybe women just lack of proper training? etc

Ok, maybe you do agree women are weaker than men physically.
Then why don't you think it is highly probable that men and women's intelligence are specialized in different fields?

[ 本帖最後由 chefung 於 2009-5-17 03:46 PM 編輯 ]

原帖由 waterwong 於 2009-5-17 01:07 PM 發表 查看引用來源

financial field....
i just know 1 or 2 female investors do great....even smarter than me....

done ... i'm done too and my eyes are rolling now after reading that MIT report
i hate reading online and it takes double time ... that's why i prefer reading newspapers with my brekky every morning before kicking off rather than online news ... oh i like to print every single email in my inbox out too ...

anyway, back to the main topic
both reports were saying similar things but i think MIT did it a little bit than CIT and i particularily agreed the following two:   

"... if often unconscious ... psychological, sociological and economic studies to demonstrate that men are slightly, but consistently, overrated and women are slightly, but consistently, underrated as professionals. Over time, these small judgments can add up to a disadvantage for women."  

if we can get this stereotype issue resolved it would help improve a lot ... not to be blunt but i feel like this is exactly what you've been doing this noon and overrating men   

"... The committee found that differences in salary, space, resources and access to power resulted in "women having less or their being excluded from important professional opportunities."

in regard to salary and access to power, i witness this in business world too :smile_13:
perhaps the aim to get the number of professionals in both sexes balanced is a a tough nut to crack

原帖由 wannabe 於 2009-5-17 04:16 PM 發表 查看引用來源
done ... i'm done too and my eyes are rolling now after reading that MIT report
i hate reading online and it takes double time ... that's why i prefer reading newspapers with my brekky every morning ...
men-women equality is hard to break as you know
World was dominated by men.

Also you are GP member and should not print out every single email =.=

原帖由 wannabe 於 2009-5-17 04:16 PM 發表 查看引用來源
done ... i'm done too and my eyes are rolling now after reading that MIT report
i hate reading online and it takes double time ... that's why i prefer reading newspapers with my brekky every morning ...
契弟港D 嘢拱森既,刀唔盟
