I am not a girl !!!
原帖由 我老婆係共產黨 於 2009-5-15 01:33 PM 發表 巧拱,廢D計邵禾色,一池去科岑
原帖由 chefung 於 2009-5-15 12:32 AM 發表 Yeah~ That's the argument for those gun manufacturer defends in US Not convincing right? But Cherry is so harmless :smile_13::smile_13:
原帖由 mugen-purin 於 2009-5-15 01:32 PM 發表 but u juz said u won't pay for it
原帖由 chefung 於 2009-5-15 12:33 AM 發表 Nono Leony is not right MM said Leona and then it is Leona XD
原帖由 多功能中場 於 2009-5-15 01:30 PM 發表 :smile_41: :smile_27: that was random:smile_45:
原帖由 waterwong 於 2009-5-15 01:32 PM 發表 wanna move to a bigger place.... well....went to hk island east on wed went to bel air and island south yesterday.....maybe tmr will to go happy valley still donno yet
原帖由 mugen-purin 於 2009-5-15 12:36 AM 發表 he is insane
原帖由 多功能中場 於 2009-5-15 01:39 PM 發表 that idea crossed my mind:smile_30: thank you for confirming:smile_40:
原帖由 mugen-purin 於 2009-5-15 12:40 AM 發表 she miss leona too much
原帖由 多功能中場 於 2009-5-15 01:41 PM 發表 who is leona??