
Looking for 18> 港女港男 or 非男非女 who prefer eng chat (part 55)

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原帖由 多功能中場 於 2009-3-20 05:07 PM 發表

that doesn't involve money
i lost money:smile_29:
Why not?
MM meant Mastermind game
You can still bet money on it LOL

原帖由 armic 於 2009-3-20 03:54 AM 發表

I need money money money~
everyone needs money:smile_13:

原帖由 多功能中場 於 2009-3-20 05:08 PM 發表

station managers makes me want to sleep:smile_42:
Depends on one is a regular stop station managers

People do have to think sometimes.
Although this movement will give people a lot of information and therefore a bad thing to do

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-3-20 04:08 AM 發表

Why not?
MM meant Mastermind game
You can still bet money on it LOL
the only thing i would wager on right now are the soccer games on saturday and sunday:smile_34:

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-3-20 05:00 PM 發表 查看引用來源

做乜諗野 =.=

In soso purpose, MJ is good
In game purpose, MJ is not really good, slow pace and it includes luck much.
要諗點做牌, 考智慧架~你每次摸既都唔知咩牌呢

原帖由 多功能中場 於 2009-3-20 05:07 PM 發表 查看引用來源

that doesn't involve money
i lost money:smile_29:
U can sell them for $, u do MJ, so u lost money

原帖由 多功能中場 於 2009-3-20 05:10 PM 發表

the only thing i would wager on right now are the soccer games on saturday and sunday:smile_34:
Don't gamble too much
In the long term, you should lose money
Of course, the money might have brought you fun.

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-3-20 04:09 AM 發表

Depends on one is a regular stop station managers

People do have to think sometimes.
Although this movement will give people a lot of information and therefore a bad thing to do
I don't mind if people have to think sometimes
but people holding up the traffic regularly makes the game boring:smile_45: , hence inducing sleep.

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-3-20 05:11 PM 發表 查看引用來源

Don't gamble too much
In the long term, you should lose money
Of course, the money might have brought you fun.
give me money will be more fun

原帖由 mugen-purin 於 2009-3-20 04:11 AM 發表
U can sell them for $, u do MJ, so u lost money
what sort of costs would I incur for MJ?
