
Looking for 18> ABCs, BBCs, CBCs, ..., ZBCs who prefer eng chat (part 51)

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原帖由 -Leo- 於 2009-3-15 10:28 PM 發表 查看引用來源

sounds very good, I haven't try that
yes,u should go there once in your life
tv time, chat later

Nite ladies and gentlemen

原帖由 mugen-purin 於 2009-3-15 10:24 PM 發表 查看引用來源

i went to phoenix hill last nite to see sunrise then hiking till afternoon, n shopping at tung chung:smile_35:
how can u left me out???????

:') :')

原帖由 Yves 於 2009-3-15 10:48 PM 發表 查看引用來源
Nite ladies and gentlemen
how are u doing?????

原帖由 mugen-purin 於 2009-3-15 10:24 PM 發表

i went to phoenix hill last nite to see sunrise then hiking till afternoon, n shopping at tung chung:smile_35:
sounds like a very fulfilling day wor......... :smile_40:

原帖由 victor888 於 2009-3-15 10:59 PM 發表

how are u doing?????

hey triple 8..... :smile_15:

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-3-15 02:02 PM 發表

Never say "never say never"....it's a loop of logical arguments.

For me, love is just some series of chemical reaction happening in one's brain to alter their feelings.
If you are aware of this, you probably be able to overcome the urge of feeling.
I am pretty cold-blooded in love although I still want to have a good one.
long long time ago read an article talking abt dopamine which is known for the natural chemical tat our bodies prodcue when ppl fall in luv
i didnt dig deep down at the time tho n perhaps u can enlighten me

now back to the basics ... wat is luv? perhaps wat u said is true tat luv is a chemcial reaction in brain ... not gonna argue it w/ u coz its fruitless for ppl w/ limited knowledge in science like me to do so ... but i do believe luv is also abt the chemistry between the two ppl ... one's willingness to sacrifice n endure ... sounds platonic
Hardcore christian is a big NO to me, rationally.
If she is a pretty unloyal one and will give it up entirely, I will consider that though.
It's like I won't love a girl who smoke/drug abuse.
Never is never for me in those caes.
ummm ... more often than not one wouldnt know his/her sig 1/2 is a smoker or drug addict until being together for a while n sadly to say once relationship is built its always hard for ppl to juz walk away

enuf befoe i bore everyone stiff ... its un-bebe like

原帖由 多功能中場 於 2009-3-15 04:17 PM 發表
hi everyone time to dig this post up from the 3rd page!
nice job, jowy!
next time try to stay in longer tho
dont bury urself
ppl would luv to chat w/ u

原帖由 futfuk 於 2009-3-15 11:10 PM 發表 查看引用來源

hey triple 8..... :smile_15:


What up?

原帖由 victor888 於 2009-3-15 04:24 PM 發表

I can buy him lunch

that wasnt a big deal

..u want my free lunch ??
888 :smile_46:
i'm pretty f..ked up ... no i mean fed up tonite
can i take a rain check?
