
26 F - Looking for Witty & Humorous Males # 6

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原帖由 futfuk 於 2009-3-4 09:50 AM 發表

one of the entry actually has the origin:

*To not wear underwear (the reason for this really revolves around thefact that commando missions are so intense that you supposedly shityour pants...t ...
Oh well...without underwear will definitely hurts when the commandos are having mission in a jungle. XD

原帖由 gelgio 於 2009-3-3 11:21 PM 發表
i am here to keep you funny!!!
well. i m funny enough without you

原帖由 futfuk 於 2009-3-4 12:31 AM 發表

perfect......... u know what my solution to ur problem is....... :smile_47:
i know
but my collection is still running..so... i'll do my laundry asap

原帖由 uhadmeathello 於 2009-3-4 01:53 AM 發表

are you thinking what i am thinking?  :smile_47::smile_47::smile_47:

actually, I have 2 solutions for that problem :smile_47:
the first solution is too obvious...

second solution - hm.... how many hands do you have????

so it's not that i m not here ... but you guys are not around when I am ...

ok... going to bed now... ttyl... night

hey look......this post floating up again......

btw.....hows everyone here.....

原帖由 clotinc 於 2009-3-4 12:46 PM 發表
hey look......this post floating up again......

btw.....hows everyone here.....
up up and away!

and i mean literally........ everyone's away.......

[ 本帖最後由 futfuk 於 2009-3-4 01:03 PM 編輯 ]

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-3-3 06:34 PM 發表 查看引用來源

I hate you 25
You just replied to U hing and Macy's post
You havn't replied mine !!!!

u greenhead !!! no sponsorship on plane ticket from me !!!

here is my suggestion:
you go to banks and ask for student loans. news said banks are less stringent on loans for students now. If possible, try to get more. You need that as I am thinking you should go to macy's place by limo. wouldnt it be cool ?!! arriving in a limo !!

You need to wow her parents, if you want them to be your inlaws.

原帖由 25kelvin 於 2009-3-4 01:57 PM 發表

You need that as I am thinking you should go to macy's place by limo. wouldnt it be cool ?!! arriving in a limo !!
why limo?

so there's a deception that he's "longer"???

原帖由 macy18 於 2009-3-3 10:53 PM 發表 查看引用來源

trust me, our place is a messy mess right now
i can't even find my underwear!  I haven't done any laundry in the past 2 weeks @_@
luckily I have a while collection of clothes and underwear and ...
i volunteer to fly over and look for you !!!!

@_@   <- what does this mean? your facial expression ?

well I see it one of your laundry items
