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hello, 晚安.

各位師兄, 晚上好


原帖由 阿狼的故事 於 2009-2-15 02:17 發表



Hello any ching!! Anyone can help me to translate the following report to be chinese??? Sorry my computer skill is really bad and cannot type in chinese..sorry the report would be quite long ..But i really want to share my friend's experience to everyone........tks for help if anyone can help!!

My friend is around 30 years old and he hadn't got any gf and didn't have any couple experience in HK or even china before....Since 2 and half years ago my another friend & i picked him to go to "SHA WAN-JI FENG YING" KTV to sing K..........................

Then he meet 1 girl there and he thought that the girl who he marked is really really special & different with another hooker.....he said he just found the ture love.....and felt so happy........he said the girl to be a hooker because she has to take care all of her family..........it is really hard and badly situation...........Original she is a good girl:smile_27: :smile_30:

I told him it must be a BULLSHIT from the girl and this kind of girl are the professional lier............then he said i was wrong and i don't know the girl so much so i said that..........but he said if he can choose, he would rather to choose to believe this girl more than his friends like us.........(i know him and to be his friend almost 15 years....)...as the girl is "the important person" in his life......

I was angry for what he said so i didn't contact with him for a long time after that....

Around begin of last year i meet him again............i did talk to him so long time then i just asked him that how is going for him and his SHA WAN gf.....Then he said he felt so hard and so painful...........and not happy anymore.......BUT OF COURSE STILL LOVE HER SO MUCH!!!!

She did stop to be a hooker in SHA WAN.....and went to Beijing to learn and study in big hair selon shop there, he said she want to be a professional stylist...........he took care all thing for her there(rent, mobile fee charge, entertainment, and some additonal charge like PSP machine........food or clothes from HK....etc.....), sometimes he had to send some UREGNT thing like buying PSP mahcine by COURIER to her....or sometimes her parent was sick and had to spend RMB5000 to go to hospital for seeing doctor.....then sending RMB5000 by ATM machine..........

He said each month he had to spend around 11000~12000HKD(his salary is 17000HKD as i know)basically,(i asked him why did it cost so much...?? He said that he wanted her to study more concentrate and wanted her to get back Shenzhen ASAP so he did that........so he was willing to take care all of her & her family......(father, mother, younger sister, younger brother......)(ACTUALLY I DON'T THINK SHE WAS WORKING THERE OR MAYBE EVEN SHE WASN'T IN BEIJING AS SHE DIDN'T SHOW HIM ANYTHING LIKE PHOTO.......ONLY THE PHONE NO. SIM CARD IS REALLY FROM BEIJING..)

Then around last year September she said that she wanted to go to Shenzhen to look for a job here....my friend felt so happy......then she just backed to Shenzhen at that time.....

Until now she haven't got any job and just staying home to play ON-LINE game(my friend did buy a new computer for her once she backed)....go shopping......Everytime my friend asked her that" when will u go out to find a job??".......Then she just said"I did look for but i could not find it, and i will check later, maybe now is not the good and right time"...Also, sometimes my friend asked her to go out but she wouldn't go and just focus of ONLINE game....

My friend is keeping to offer her Around RMB10000 per month, also has to pay rent for RMB3000 each month(in FUTIAN Cou An station area), also have some "clothing", "dinner".......CHARGE......around RMB1000 each month............also some URGENT CASE like parent need to go to hospital.........that i don't know maybe need to spend RMB3000~5000 what i guess....  

Maybe the "SALARY" & "TERM" is really attractive:smile_04: ............so she just asked for her younger sister to come to Shenzhen to "look for a job"on November......of course her younger sister could not find a job......and just stayed at home whole day for ON LINE game with her sister as well............also spend my friend's money as well........

During this 2 and half year....my friend have borrowed/withdraw almost HKD150000 from credit card.....As except for the basically charge each month.....it got many many of URGENT CASE each month...........

Till now...my friend still love her and believe in her.....just feel it is really hard for money problem sometimes(many time just have a small bread for lunch..).........also he say he would never go to the place like message centre or KTV....as that kind of place cannot find a ture love..... i didn't say anything and talk to him any opinion about his badly situation....as i afriad that he would be angry again.........

Anyway thanks for any CHING to translate above report for me, tks so much!!!!

回覆 957# 的帖子

It is very easy to translate.
三十歲無知港男, 包雞女三年從良,
俾女呃咗十五萬生活費, 仲末死心!
It is a very sad but very common story.


原帖由 NewDummy 於 2009-2-16 12:37 PM 發表 查看引用來源
自己出來玩都有一段日子,但係喜歡溝女嘅習慣始終未改,幾個月前因為失業,而且有朋友在常平開酒店,所以上去玩咗成個月,還在那裡溝了件k女,之前還有比錢佢(我一向在上邊玩,重來唔吃foc嘅,因為唔會覺得 ...
你這種情況確實少見啲, 尤其是錢唔要, 不過即管睇長一點, 看看遲啲會唔會作你一筆勁既, 既然你們一起是開心既, 不妨繼續, 如果佢唔要錢, 不妨在心靈和行為上加多點關心和慰問, 到時再睇情況如何, 你唔應該阻止佢返工, 原因: 1.你表明有女朋友, 2.你冇諗住包起佢, 3.佢唔返呢種工, 點養家,  你想想吧, 既然你向表明意向, 就不要對佢有這樣的要求了:smile_38: :smile_38: :smile_38:
