
西灣河邪骨年報2008-2009 - Update on Jan 29

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thanks C Hing info

多謝Ching報告,我剛從那裡回來,便急不及待要出報告了。我按圖索驥,終於給我找到彩X,原來此USB收2230我去到已沒有囡囡可選,因為已過了2230,我已是她們最後一個客,我以前去過這個場,但正過正骨水,那個囡囡是中女,年約36左右,中等身材,只可遊山,不能玩水,可惜沒有波路,我的心口還要比她大,但勝在part2手勢好,part1便不敢恭維了,全是死力。起初我以為又是正骨水,但在最後10幾分鐘,囡囡問我還有什麼地方要按,我便向她道明來意,問她有沒有加$100的服務,她便幫我按小朋友。由於她part1按得不好,而她又能在這個場立足2年之久,我便猜她part2應該有一手,果然不出所料,手勢ok,10幾分鐘便ko了。她叫piano,樣5/10,身材4/10,好彩不是假波,環境5/10,板間房,而且又不沒有間到上天花,隔離房的對話,清晰可聽,但還算清潔。收費$220(90mins)+$100起機費。總結還可以,但如果有D Ching要山長水遠來試,本人並不建議。

原帖由 dpc2004x 於 2009-1-29 11:04 AM 發表 查看引用來源

Nina massage 近西灣河Police Station,7-11對面,大廈外牆有廣告版位.

謝謝,煩請check PM

原帖由 balanbee 於 2009-1-30 01:45 AM 發表
多謝Ching報告,我剛從那裡回來,便急不及待要出報告了。我按圖索驥,終於給我找到彩X,原來此USB收2230我去到已沒有囡囡可選,因為已過了2230,我已是她們最後一個客,我以前去過這個場,但正過正骨水,那個囡囡是中 ...
Ching, sorry to hear your report, sounds not very good...
This is not a good time to visit those shops, because of New Year period, most of the bg are back to their home town. I will send out another update by today, have the same situation as you...
The lady I have tried last time in 彩X are 100% busty, at least 36D Cup, hope you may find her again

原帖由 balanbee 於 2009-1-30 01:45 AM 發表 查看引用來源
多謝Ching報告,我剛從那裡回來,便急不及待要出報告了。我按圖索驥,終於給我找到彩X,原來此USB收2230我去到已沒有囡囡可選,因為已過了2230,我已是她們最後一個客,我以前去過這個場,但正過正骨水,那個囡囡是中 ...
嘩!叫Piano 好有少女feel 喎!  不是C9嗎? 彩X現在人多,嘈吵(C9大声講大声笑),建议暫時不要去。

我還是想試一試c-hing 見到的間Nina 。可惜昨晚去到冇開門。不知今日開工未?

新年前去過c-hing 介紹的康X, 遝境可以,dup 我的C9, part I 不錯,她見到我手上的HTC很感興趣還讓我拍照。最後主动問我要不要出火。手勢好,有互動,有反應。很有C9味,可再試。

原帖由 dpc2004x 於 2009-1-30 08:47 AM 發表 查看引用來源

Ching, sorry to hear your report, sounds not very good...
This is not a good time to visit those shops, because of New Year period, most of the bg are back to their home town. I will send out ano ...
Ching, Can you PM / tell me the name of the 36D Bg ?

原帖由 teihosing 於 2009-1-30 12:30 PM 發表

嘩!叫Piano 好有少女feel 喎!  不是C9嗎? 彩X現在人多,嘈吵(C9大声講大声笑),建议暫時不要去。

我還是想試一試c-hing 見到的間Nina 。可惜昨晚去到冇開門。不知今日開工未?

新年前去 ...
Which lady? Chinese or the fat Thai lady?


原帖由 dpc2004x 於 2009-1-30 04:28 PM 發表 查看引用來源

Which lady? Chinese or the fat Thai lady?
the Chinese lady.  have you tried the Thai one? any comments on her.

I called Nina last night.  One lady said 45mins massage is HK$145; 2hours is hk$290 no discount unless you buy package.  From the phone, seems no special there.  Have you tried ?

原帖由 teihosing 於 2009-1-31 03:11 AM 發表 查看引用來源

the Chinese lady.  have you tried the Thai one? any comments on her.

I called Nina last night.  One lady said 45mins massage is HK$145; 2hours is hk$290 no discount unless you buy package.  Fro ...
Thanks for reply! I have tried the Chinese before and please check my update.
I am not sure Nina Massage has any extra service, but one thing catch me is it open very late at night...
