
26女 - 想試下係度識個冇性冇愛(即普通朋友)既男仔有幾難 - #12

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原帖由 25kelvin 於 2009-1-9 01:30 PM 發表

4 舍 5 入, she is in the 30s group ga la..:smile_44:
well being a 中女 is better than a 中坑 like you

most kids call me "e e" now
which sounded weird at the beginning
but then i'll tell them to call me "lang e e" LOL

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-1-9 01:53 PM 發表

Then...you are 50ish?
thanks chef

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-1-9 02:06 PM 發表

How about on bed? 0-10?
come on

he's worrying if he can still make it without the medicine - what do u think about his age?

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-1-9 02:26 PM 發表

I doubt that. Everything is controlled by hormones
How can your airplane fly up if there is no corresponding hormones fuel?

And how can a baby pilot control a plane?
baby pilot - i m sure your truly asking this question for yourself... LOL

原帖由 macy18 於 2009-1-9 11:27 發表

well being a 中女 is better than a 中坑 like you

most kids call me "e e" now
which sounded weird at the beginning
but then i'll tell them to call me "lang e e" LOL
polluting the young innocent mind      

you know they may grow up wondering what is "lang" really mean

原帖由 macy18 於 2009-1-10 03:33 AM 發表

baby pilot - i m sure your truly asking this question for yourself... LOL
Baby I do mean baby
I am just newbie pilot. LOL

原帖由 uhadmeathello 於 2009-1-10 03:40 AM 發表

polluting the young innocent mind      

you know they may grow up wondering what is "lang" really mean
Not really polluting.
But just twisting the common standard of beauty now.

原帖由 uhadmeathello 於 2009-1-9 11:40 發表

polluting the young innocent mind      

you know they may grow up wondering what is "lang" really mean
WAIT!!!!   in your case, there is no such problem to the kids because I am sure you are truly "lang"  

原帖由 uhadmeathello 於 2009-1-10 03:46 AM 發表

WAIT!!!!   in your case, there is no such problem to the kids because I am sure you are truly "lang"  
"lang" is kind of relative concept on absolute ground

Do you think you are "lang jay"?

原帖由 chefung 於 2009-1-10 03:44 AM 發表

Not really polluting.
But just twisting the common standard of beauty now.
kids are witty nowadays
they call everyone lang jai and lang lui
you just don't understand...
