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琴日去咗"海洋王公"雙鐘380, 唔駛比貼士小費代支. 機師ok la, 短裙仔 c8. OK袈

CHING, 想問下2家"海洋王公"仲係唔係冇單人房, 10個8個人係一間房你眼望我眼咁呀, 因為幾年前去過一次........

回覆 22# 的帖子

大房, 三張豬肉枱, 正常吾會有人同你孖房. 不過我上次去到就要喇.
入到去入面位ching岩岩出緊火. 要鬼祟機. 位ching就吾多老黎啦.
我就下半part獨佔間房, 可以全裸, 又可以渣波. ok law

原帖由 大測量師炳文 於 2008-12-13 08:50 AM 發表 查看引用來源
琴日去咗"海洋王公"雙鐘380, 唔駛比貼士小費代支. 機師ok la, 短裙仔 c8. OK袈
Sound good and not expensive at all.  But the sanua looks a bit old outside, comapring with the price, it's worth .

dear ching,is there safety? for example police check licence suddenly?

回覆 25# 的帖子

我其實好耐無去. 上次去到條女自動波rpp, 跟手hj. 無問佢有無差人查牌. 應該安全窩

Those HJ places in Sai Wan Ho & Shaukeiwan have increased price since August 2008. They told me that all increase by $20. As I mentioned many times before, it depends on your luck. I tried one that cost $100 more for fondling the chick's breast while in another place I even have foc.

there have 開大 service or not?

回覆 28# 的帖子

of course no la ching

可以全裸, 又可以渣波?GOOD WO.
