
分享 : 我點樣征服超級保守的GF

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原帖由 黑月大魔王 於 4/11/2008 01:15 AM 發表 查看引用來源

me2:smile_42: :smile_42:

原帖由 lipailam 於 2008-11-4 01:16 AM 發表 查看引用來源

me2:smile_42: :smile_42:

原帖由 黑月大魔王 於 4/11/2008 01:46 AM 發表 查看引用來源

幾次啫:smile_35: :smile_35:

原帖由 lipailam 於 2008-11-4 01:53 AM 發表 查看引用來源

幾次啫:smile_35: :smile_35:

原帖由 Boynightout 於 2008-11-3 11:05 PM 發表

Thank you so much for sharing your case.

When my gf and I were in our 26th month, the case was even poorer than yours. Now we have been together for 5x months already. Quite long, right?
How o ...
hehe,how old am i?secret.
Abt the time,personally speaking,it doesn't matter if it's long or short.
Of coz,it's really amazing that stay together for 50 sth months n without sex.But I want u to know,stay together is not for hving sex.
Wt is true love?who really loves u?who trully does worth ur love?How to love?
Plx do understand.
By the way,i can tell u that i've faced lots of tamptations already.im not kidding.
Now,im studying in England,my gf is studying in England as well,but unfortunately,we'r not in the same place,even quit far away.
So it is really very hard to meet her in England.
There r lots of pretty n sexy girls here,n sometimes they try to approach me,n always try to use some excuses to touch me.
Is this a kind of tamptations?
Do u know wt would i do when im facing this kind of things?
Everytime when i know a guy or make a fd,i would tell him/her that i hv gf n i love my gf very much,for giving others an impression that dun try to appoach me.
However,there must be some stupid guys want to be close to me.All i gonna do is ignore them.
if ur love to ur gf is really very strong,u can do it easily.CAN U?
Last but by no means least,always think of ur gf's feeling.
If u were a girl,ur bf always wants to hv sex with u but actually u dun want to hv it at those moments,how would u feel?
N some may claim that he always thinks of his gf's feeling,but his gf never thinked abt his feeling.
Wt i gonna answer is,consider,consider,consider...consider abt it,do u really love ur gf?If u do,keep wating for her,i dun think it would be a problem,right?:smile_41:
Also,if she cannot feel ur heart,ur love,just keep working hard until she can feel it.that's wt a man should do,isn't it?
Keep doing sth to show ur love.50th months,to be honest,is can be a long time,but it also can be a small period only.N when one day u get married with her,u'll feel that's really worthful.It's true,n im waiting for that day too.
Man be stronger,i believe u can n hope u'll hv a nice future

PS.I do apologize that my English is not gd.but plx understand that i just want to share my experience.

原帖由 dch123 於 2008-11-4 12:41 AM 發表
兄弟俾D心機, 我同你差唔多, 我同女友一齊差唔多六年, 月尾結婚啦, 係呢一刻我仲未食到隻豬, 由錫都唔多願到而家任我摸任我錫, 都用左我好多心機, 女友吾係信教但又好保守, 結左婚之後我會慢慢調教佢 !
Hey man..do u really..love ur gf?

睇佢平時斯斯文文, 叫到變o左第個人, <-- 押韻 , 笑左

原帖由 paulpaulau 於 2008-11-4 01:57 AM 發表

hehe,how old am i?secret.
Abt the time,personally speaking,it doesn't matter if it's long or short.
Of coz,it's really amazing that stay together for 50 sth months n without sex.B ...
temptations sorry...:smile_42: :smile_13:

原帖由 Boynightout 於 2008-11-3 11:15 PM 發表 查看引用來源


你講中左我一個心結:佢肯比我搞自己舒服,但就唔肯令到我舒服....我都 ...
我好明白你心結架..因為我好想令我bf滿足..見到佢舒服我會好開心ga ma
