
Fion 的私日記 2 (updated on 12/9 & 加相 p.51)

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原帖由 Witches 於 2008-9-8 09:51 PM 發表 查看引用來源

Angelo, I think we have something in common.  Glad to know you.  Play okay play, but dont over-do it.  hope Freeman will not even attemp to do any checking, please.  However, I still look forward  ...
It's my pleasure to know you too, but I'm not looking forward to the nude from Freeman.
From the very beginning Fion has very high confidence in winning. Think about it: if Fion won, no one can prove the nude is essentially Freeman; however if Fion lost, she has to pay with her body. Of course that assumes they both keep their promises. I don't think Fion is that stupid, she most be well prepared in making such offer. For Fion, the cost of losing is not just one night but her life. For Freeman, it's easy for him to fool everybody. Balancing the P/L it is very clear.
However if Freeman really post 'his' nude, please at least find a quality one...

[ 本帖最後由 angelo2046 於 2008-9-8 10:10 PM 編輯 ]

Yes, a real quality one, Freeman.  It does not matter if the photo is you or not.  We just believe that it will be yours

原帖由 Witches 於 2008-9-8 10:12 PM 發表 查看引用來源
Yes, a real quality one, Freeman.  It does not matter if the photo is you or not.  We just believe that it will be yours
Well, I just think if we were to make sure that is indeed Freeman, we can request the nude to be taken with a broad covering his private parts saying "Fion, you win!", and then let some PS professionals to prove there is no cheating. But still, limited loss for Freeman as he has requested not to disclose his face.

As you said, play ok play, just dont over-do it.

原帖由 Freeman27 於 2008-9-8 04:49 PM 發表 查看引用來源

Shit ! 中晒計, 剛剛用咗9秒9時間集合咗一班兄弟, 由頭到尾睇過兩個post 再加電腦人同攝影友(兄弟~!多謝!), 原來Fion 古惑到無倫, 呢次勝算超低!! 今晚再詳細話俾各位 c hing 知點解。

不過可以肯 ...
其實從一開始 Fion make 呢個 deal 已經有晒部署, 邊會咁易俾你食到呢.
不過你有勇氣要繼續玩落去喇, 盡你能力喇 :smile_38:  :smile_38:
Fion 係唔簡單既呢 :smile_34:  :smile_34:


師姐= ="想問你呢句係咪恥骨外圍附近果度打圈架= =?

哈哈! 似乎大家過份擔心啦! 其實 Freeman 哥一早嚮 part 1 最開始的時候,我地已經交換咗 e-mail 聯絡一輪。佢用好特別的比喻同少少有趣的故仔鼓勵我,今日我收到佢e-mail 在先話可能已經知道我係邊果,仲話知道我有咩古惑,所以先叫佢估下。陪佢一晚係假的,不過應承如果佢真係估到就同佢約會係真的。對於 Freeman 哥,因為某d原因,我好相信佢的為人。


原帖由 Fionwu 於 2008-9-8 11:10 PM 發表
哈哈! 似乎大家過份擔心啦! 其實 Freeman 哥一早嚮 part 1 最開始的時候,我地已經交換咗 e-mail 聯絡一輪。佢用好特別的比喻同少少有趣的故仔鼓勵我,今日我收到佢e-mail 在先話可能已經知道我係邊果,仲話知 ...
hihi fion....how are u today??


原帖由 Fionwu 於 2008-9-8 01:39 AM 發表 查看引用來源
今日已經 update 咗啦!為方便大家了解小妹今日的床上衣著,呢張送的:

