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原帖由 nicholaswc 於 2008-9-5 10:40 發表 查看引用來源
check 左, 嗰個型號入面好多bin file喎, 係咪要全部dl落黎呀?

原帖由 nicholaswc 於 2008-9-5 14:55 發表 查看引用來源

回覆 31# 的帖子


睇manual 啦,好詳細嘎啦。如果吾明,PM我留msn ,可以講得詳細點,不過需要有一般configure router既知識。
原帖由 dragonor 於 2008-9-5 10:58 PM 發表 查看引用來源

[ 本帖最後由 nicholaswc 於 2008-9-5 11:45 PM 編輯 ]

原帖由 nicholaswc 於 2008-9-5 23:39 發表 查看引用來源
個manual睇到頭都大埋:smile_27: :smile_27:

原帖由 nicholaswc 於 2008-9-5 23:39 發表 查看引用來源
咁係唔係under我個router型號嘅sub-folder入面所有file就要下載呢? 我個router型號係WHR-HP-G54.



原帖由 gsf1200s 於 2008-9-6 02:25 AM 發表 查看引用來源

回覆 36# 的帖子

WHR-HP-G54          -          ?          FDI-09101577-0          Broadcom5352@200          16          4          Broadcom          b/g          -          -          ?          4 LAN/1 WAN          -          5V/0.9A          -          v24 std (05/24/08) - build 9526          initial flash: use ddadder or Tftp_flash

The project is split into several parts in order to conserve space on the router and fit your needs.

          Micro         Mini         Nokaid         Standard         VOIP         VPN*         Mega**
AnchorFree         X         X         X         X         X         X         X
Bandwidth Monitoring         X         X         X         X         X         X         X
Chillispot                             X         X                             X
Dynamic DNS         X         X         X         X         X         X         X
HTTPS Support for Web Management                             X         X         X         X         X
IPv6***                             X         X         X         X         X
JFFS2*                   X         X         X         X         X         X
kaid                                       X                             X
MMC/SD Card Support                             X         X         X         X         X
NoCat                             X         X         X         X         X
OpenVPN                                                         X         X
PPTP/PPTP Client         C         X         X         X         X         X         X
QoS         X         X         X         X         X         X         X
radvd         X         X         X         X         X                   X
Repeater         X         X         X         X         X         X         X
RFlow                             X         X         X         X         X
Samba/CIFS client                             X         X         X         X         X
SIPatH                                                 X                   X
SNMP                             X         X         X         X         X
SPI Firewall/IPtables         X         X         X         X         X         X         X
SSHd                   X         X         X         X         X         X
Telnetd         X         X         X         X         X         X         X
UPnP         X         X         X         X         X         X         X
Wake On LAN         X         X         X         X         X         X         X
Wiviz                 X         X         X         X         X         X

The following chipsets can run both the normal (recommended) and VINT builds.

    * Buffalo WHR-HP-G54, WHR-G54S
    * Linksys WRT54GL 1.0 & 1.1
    * All routers using Broadcom 5352 chipset

可以試試這個:dd-wrt.v24_std_generic.bin 或dd-wrt.v24_mega_generic.bin
http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index ... _my_Broadcom_router

[ 本帖最後由 nicholaswc 於 2008-9-6 12:58 PM 編輯 ]

回覆 39# 的帖子

Installation of DD-WRT
See DD-WRT Wiki article: Installation#WHR-G54S.2C_WHR-HP-G54.2C_WZR-HP-G54.

base on 呢條link 佢叫我用以下方發, 對嗎?

NOTE: Use only v23 SP1 final or later with Buffalo devices. Older releases may cause trouble!
NOTE: For some models you can use the ddadder program
[edit] First Time Flashing from Stock Buffalo FirmwareNormally, most companies let you upload firmware directly from the user interface. Buffalo, unfortunately, encrypts their firmware, and their routers will accept only encrypted firmware in the web interface.
The first time you flash, the TFTP method can be used to bypass this 'encrypted' firmware requirement. Afterwards, the router firmware can be changed through the Web interface normally.
All the Broadcom routers normally enter a special mode in the first few seconds after power is applied that allows a TFTP transfer to directly program the flash ROM with new firmware. So what you need to do is get everything ready to go. 1. power up the router, and then 2. send the router the new firmware, quickly.
TFTP Flashing Buffalo Routers under Windows
Vista Users: Go into Control Panel, Programs, turn Windows Features on of off, check "TFTP Client".
The computer you are using, and the router you are resetting, must be close to each other: so it is possible to have one hand on the enter key of the computer, and the other holding the power plug of the router, and able to put it in the wall or power outlet.
  • It's good to now reset to factory defaults by holding the reset button while plugging in the router. Hold for at least 30 seconds. Unplug the router. This makes sure the router is in its 'factory fresh' state.
  • Unplug the router. Usually, preparing by leaving the connection to the router, and unplugging the router from the wall or power strip, is the easiest way.
  • A non-XPSP2, third-party firewall, may interfere with tftp's ability to talk to the router. It may be useful to disable any third-party firewalls now.
  • Either:
    • Your computer should be connected directly to one of the LAN ports on the router. (You can use a regular cable or crossover).
    • Or if you have a larger network, the computer is connected to a switch, and then to the router LAN port. The router's power cord still needs to be within reach while you are at the computer.
      Reference Image

  • For Windows XP, the following reference image should help. After selecting "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)," click on the Properties button to open the next screen. Enter the info as shown, an IP Address of, a subnet mask of, and click 'OK'. Leave Default Gateway blank.
  • Make a copy of the firmware file, call it 'ddwrt.bin', and put it in your user folder. For instance, "C:\Documents and Settings\yourusername".
  • Open a command window, by using Start->Run->"cmd". Enter 'ping -t -w 10'.
    • The router is pinged continuously from the computer, letting you know when to send the firmware.
  • Open up a second command window, and leave the first where you can see the ping results.
  • Without pressing Enter, type tftp -i PUT ddwrt.bin Do not press enter yet. Keep this second command window in the foreground, so all you have to press is the Enter key to send the firmware.
  • With the power cable to the router in one hand, and the other hand on the Enter key, plug the router in while watching the first command window. When ping replies from begin, press the Enter key.
    • Some people have found that they have better luck if you plug in the power cable for the router first, then wait a few seconds until you see the red "DIAG" light come on the front of the router. As soon as you see that, you'll want to press Enter to immediately start the TFTP transfer.
    • http://wiki.openwrt.org/OpenWrtDocs/Hardware/Buffalo/WHR-G54S
  • All port LEDs will illuminate.
  • The LED on the LAN port will flash rapidly for about 6 seconds. The TFTP command will complete with a success printout, like Transfer successful: 3502080 bytes in 5 seconds, 700416 bytes/s. Leave the router ALONE at this point!
  • The router will reboot and then boot DD-WRT.
  • At this point, the router is ready to use. There is no need to reboot it (unplug/plug).
  • You can reconfigure your network interface on your computer to use DHCP. The computer pulls an IP address and network information from the router. Access the router via
    • (For the WB2-G54 and some WHR-G54S models, the router may still be accessible at
  • The user name is 'root' and the password is 'admin'.
Unplugging router can cause media detect network cards to show no media, ie "Network cable disconnected." When you start the tftp and plug the router in, the NIC doesn't detect media until after the tftp flash window has passed, so 60 seconds later tftp times out and the router boots normally. If so, don't unplug the router. Get your tftp ready, hold down the Init (Reset) button on the router, with the Init held down and the Diag blinking, start tftp and immediately release the Init button. You'll never get the 'Cable Disconnected' errors, and it should flash right up.
***If you are still having trouble with timeouts, etc., you may want to try using the TFTP client from Linksys. Be sure to set it to retry at least three (3) times. Five (5) would be a safe number to start with. Connect power while holding the reset button till the red diag button begins to blink, release the reset button and hit the Upgrade button on the Linksys TFTP Utility. For WHR-HP-G54 I had to flash through a switch with Windows or suffer timeouts trying.***
I tried several time on Windows XP. The result is always a timeout. Disabling Media Sense feature of Windows XP, I finally succeeded. How to disable Media Sense feature of Windows. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/239924
On Windows Vista, I used the Linksys TFTP utility and had to upload the micro version first. The mega version would never complete in time. After successfully uploading micro, I was able to login to web-based admin and perform an upgrade to mega.
One other way to prevent a timeout is to first set the NIC to 10 Mbit half duplex.
[edit] Another way is to use a (script) cmd file under Windows
  • Save the script below to a file named "install.cmd" (without quotes), and put the firmware file in the same folder.
  • Run it.
  • Follow the directions.
